Tura, Cosmè

Tura, Cosmè

Italian painter
Cosmè also spelled  Cosimo  
born c. 1430, Ferrara [Italy]
died 1495, Ferrara
 early Italian Renaissance painter who was the founder and the first significant figure of the 15th-century School of Ferrara.

      Tura was court artist at the celebrated Renaissance court of the Este dukes at Ferrara and served successively dukes Borso and Ercole I. He was probably trained in Francesco Squarcione's (Squarcione, Francesco) workshop in Padua and was influenced by Andrea Mantegna and by Piero della Francesca, when the latter artist was working in Ferrara (c. 144950).

      Tura was a master of allegory and a considerable decorative painter. The important part played by him in the complex and erudite cycle of frescoes in the Schifanoia Palace at Ferrara (146971) can still be seen. Other important works include hisPrimavera” (c. 1460) in the National Gallery, London; the organ doors showing theAnnunciation” (1469) in Ferrara Cathedral; aPietà” (c. 1472) in the Correr Municipal Museum, Venice; and the Roverella altarpiece (c. 1472).

      Tura remained within the tradition of Squarcione throughout his life, but within that tradition he developed his own personal idiom. His work is characterized by a mannered, nervous, and wiry line and the use of carefully rendered detail and brilliant colour. His figures are usually draped in metallic, angular folds.

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