Tullus Hostilius

Tullus Hostilius

king of Rome
      traditionally, the third king of Rome, reigning from 672 to 641 BC. He was a legendary figure, the legend probably influenced by that of Romulus (Romulus and Remus). Both Tullus and Romulus supposedly carried on war with the neighbouring cities of Fidenae and Veii, doubled the number of Roman citizens, organized the army, and disappeared from earth in a storm. Such legends are reported as fact by the historians Livy (59 BCAD 17) and Dionysius of Halicarnassus (flourished late 1st century BC). It is possible that Alba Longa, about 12 miles (19 km) southeast of Rome, was destroyed during the years in which Tullus is thought to have reigned. (The decisive event was the famous battle between Roman and Alban brothers, the Horatii and the Curiatii.) Tullus's reported policy of incorporating Alba into the Roman state and enrolling its chiefs in the Senate is entirely in accord with the historical fact of Rome's early expansion by amalgamation rather than by subjugation. The founding by Tullus of the first Senate chambers, the Curia Hostilia, and of the Comitium (an area, directly in front of the Curia, where the people met to vote), may be an authentic tradition. The earliest floor of the Comitium belongs to the late 7th century, and architectural ornaments found there imply the existence of a major building, which may have been a Senate chamber.

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