Trumbić, Ante

Trumbić, Ante

Croatian political leader
born May 27, 1864, Split, Dalmatia, Austria-Hungary
died Nov. 18, 1938, Zagreb, Yugos.

      Croatian nationalist from Dalmatia who played a leading role in the founding of Yugoslavia.

      Trumbić entered political life under the Austrian crown, first as a member of the Dalmatian Diet from 1895 and then as representative in the Reichsrat (federal assembly) in Vienna from 1897. In 1905 he was elected mayor of Split. As an advocate of South Slav unity opposed to Habsburg supremacy, Trumbić helped to draft the Rijeka Resolution (1905), by which it was hoped to win the support of anti-Habsburg Hungarians. The scheme failed.

      After the beginning of World War I, Trumbić fled, along with other South Slav patriots, to Rome. In 1915 he became president of the Yugoslav Committee, with headquarters in London, which sought the support of the Allies in establishing an independent and united South Slav state. In July 1917 he successfully negotiated with leaders of the Serbian government the Declaration of Corfu, an affirmation of unity that laid the foundation for the future Yugoslav state.

      At the conclusion of the war, in December 1918, Trumbić became the first foreign minister of the newly formed Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes and represented his country at the Paris Peace Conference. Formidable difficulties arose over the Italian government's demand for Fiume and extensive territories on the eastern Adriatic coast (promised to it by the British and French in the secret Treaty of London of 1915) as well as with the more independence-minded Croatian nationalists at home. Trumbić's diplomatic skill went far in gaining most of the disputed lands for Yugoslavia and preserving unity at home. He retired from politics in 1929.

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