Trilateral Commission

Trilateral Commission

      private organization founded in 1973 by American banker David Rockefeller (Rockefeller, David) to confront the challenges posed by globalization (globalization, cultural) and to encourage greater cooperation between the United States and its principal allies (Canada, Japan, and the countries of western Europe).

      The Trilateral Commission is headed by three regional chairs (for Europe, North America, and the Asia-Pacific regions), who are assisted by several deputies, and an executive committee. The entire membership meets annually (the location rotating among the three regions) to consider reports and debate strategy. Regional and national meetings are held throughout the year. Regional headquarters are in Washington, D.C., Paris, and Tokyo.

      The Trilateral Commission's principles of representation are economic weight and political influence. More exclusive than the World Economic Forum, which meets annually in Davos, Switz., it is sometimes derided as arich men's clubthat includes few women members. The Trilateral Commission reflects powerful commercial and political interests committed to private enterprise, economic freedom, and stronger collective management of global problems. Its members (some 350 in the early 21st century) are influential politicians; banking and business executives; media, civic, and intellectual leaders; and a few trade union chiefs.

      The Trilateral Commission's agendas anticipate those of the Group of 8 (Eight, Group of) (G8) summits between the leaders of the world's largest economies (plus Russia). Members have held key positions in U.S. administrations and in the governments of other member countries. In the late 1970s, for example, many Trilateral Commission members held senior positions in the cabinet of U.S. President Jimmy Carter.

      In 2001 the Trilateral Commission expanded its dominant membership base to incorporate economically smaller but emerging countries within its regional structure. For example, Mexico was accorded a handful of members, as were Asia-Pacific countries such as Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, and Thailand.

Stephen Gill

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Universalium. 2010.

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