Torlonia Museum

Torlonia Museum

Italian  Museo Torlonia 

      private archaeological museum in Rome founded in the 18th century by Giovanni Torlonia with sculptures from Roman collections, most originally found in the city of Rome. The Torlonia Museum contains about 600 items of sculpture, including a few Greek originals. The most important sculptures are the 5th-century-BC Hestia Giustiniani, attributed to Kalamis, and a relief depicting Heracles liberating Theseus and Peirithöos, attributed to the school of Phidias and dating from the 4th century BC. There are many Roman copies of Greek works by sculptors such as Polyclitus, Praxiteles, and Lysippus. A fine portrait of Lucilla, daughter of Marcus Aurelius, is among the 100 or so Roman portrait busts from the Imperial period. Many pieces in the collection were found during excavation on the Torlonia family estates at Vulci, Porto, and Cerveteri.

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