Tooke, Thomas

Tooke, Thomas

▪ British financier and economist
born Feb. 29, 1774, Kronshtadt, near St. Petersburg, Russia
died Feb. 26, 1858, London, Eng.

      British financier and economist who championed free trade.

      Tooke was in business throughout most of his adult life, beginning in St. Petersburg at the age of 15 and finally retiring as governor of the Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation in 1852. He often gave evidence before Parliament on economic matters. In 1821 he helped found the Political Economy Club, whose members included David Ricardo, Thomas Malthus, and John Stuart Mill.

      Tooke figured prominently in the great British monetary debates of the 19th century—bullionists versus antibullionists. He began as a supporter of the Bullion Report of 1810, which recommended a return to the gold standard, convertibility of the note issue, and control of the supply of paper money. His works High and Low Prices (1823) and Considerations on the State of the Currency (1826) traced the causes of low prices to underlying cyclic conditions. He continued work along these lines in his monumental History of Prices, 6 vol. (1838–57), in the last two volumes of which he collaborated with William Newmarch.

      Although Tooke's support of the gold standard remained unwavering, his study of prices gradually led him to the view that bank-created money is a result and not a cause of price changes, thereby adopting one of the basic tenets of the antibullionist position. Thus, unlike the other bullionists and in contrast to his earlier views, Tooke opposed the Bank Charter Act of 1844, which greatly limited the discretion of the Bank of England over the supply of currency. Tooke held that its rigid limits neglected deposits and caused damaging fluctuations in the rate of interest.

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