


      city, eastern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, northeastern China. It is situated on the east bank of the Xiliao River on the western edge of the Northeast (Manchurian) Plain (Northeast Plain).

      Tongliao was originally the centre of the Barin tala horse pastures, which were established in the 17th century under the Qing (Manchu) dynasty (Qing dynasty) (16441911/12). After the area was officially opened up to Han Chinese settlement in the early 20th century, a colonization bureau (Huangwuju) was created in 1912, but it met with little success because of its corrupt officials. However, many Chinese did settle in the vicinity, and they founded a town called Little Bayin Tailai, which in 1913 was officially named Tongliao Zhen. In 1915 a nearby Chinese community was destroyed by a flood, and its people moved to Tongliao, which then grew considerably. It was constituted a county seat in 1918 and subsequently developed as a regional communication and commercial centre for the surrounding plain and as a collecting point for pastoral productscattle, sheep, horses, hides, and furs.

      Tongliao later became industrialized and developed as the focus of a road network with connections north and west to other parts of Inner Mongolia and to Chifeng (southwest), as well as south to Shenyang (Liaoning province) and Changchun (Jilin). In addition, Tongliao has become a major rail hub for northeastern China, with lines fanning out in all directions. The city's airport has regular flights to Beijing and Hohhot, Inner Mongolia's capital. The processing of farming and livestock products is the chief industry of the city. Other manufactures include machinery and textiles and, more recently, chemicals and building materials; power generation is also important. There are several institutions of higher learning in the city. Pop. (2002 est.) city, 327,008; (2007 est.) urban agglom., 884,000.

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Universalium. 2010.

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