Tolkien, J.R.R.

Tolkien, J.R.R.

English author
born January 3, 1892, Bloemfontein, South Africa
died September 2, 1973, Bournemouth, Hampshire, England
 English writer and scholar who achieved fame with his children's book The Hobbit (1937) and his richly inventive epic fantasy The Lord of the Rings (195455).

      At age four Tolkien, with his mother and younger brother, settled near Birmingham, England, after his father, a bank manager, died in South Africa. In 1900 his mother converted to Roman Catholicism, a faith her elder son also practiced devoutly. On her death in 1904, her boys became wards of a Catholic priest. Four years later Tolkien fell in love with another orphan, Edith Bratt, who would inspire his fictional character Lúthien Tinúviel. His guardian, however, disapproved, and not until his 21st birthday could Tolkien ask Edith to marry him. In the meantime, he attended King Edward's School in Birmingham and Exeter College, Oxford (B.A., 1915; M.A., 1919). During World War I he saw action in the Somme. After the Armistice he was briefly on the staff of The Oxford English Dictionary (then called The New English Dictionary). For most of his adult life, he taught English language and literature, specializing in Old and Middle English, at the universities of Leeds (192025) and Oxford (192559). Often busy with academic duties and also acting as an examiner for other universities, he produced few but influential scholarly publications, notably a standard edition of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (1925; with E.V. Gordon), a landmark lecture on Beowulf (Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics, 1936), and an edition of the Ancrene Wisse (1962).

 In private, Tolkien amused himself by writing an elaborate series of fantasy tales, often dark and sorrowful, set in a world of his own creation. He made thislegendarium,” which eventually became The Silmarillion, partly to provide a setting in whichElvishlanguages he had invented could exist. But his tales of Arda and Middle-earth also grew from a desire to tell stories, influenced by a love of myths and legends. To entertain his four children, he devised lighter fare, lively and often humorous. The longest and most important of these stories, begun about 1930, was The Hobbit, a coming-of-age fantasy about a comfort-lovinghobbit” (a smaller relative of Man) who joins a quest for a dragon's treasure. In 1937 The Hobbit was published, with pictures by the author (an accomplished amateur artist), and was so popular that its publisher asked for a sequel. The result, 17 years later, was Tolkien's masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, a modern version of the heroic epic. A few elements from The Hobbit were carried over, in particular a magic ring, now revealed to be the One Ring, which must be destroyed before it can be used by the terrible Dark Lord, Sauron, to rule the world. But The Lord of the Rings is also an extension of Tolkien's Silmarillion tales, which gave the new book ahistoryin which Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and Men were already established. Contrary to statements often made by critics, it was not written specifically for children, nor is it a trilogy, though it is often published in three parts: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King. It was divided originally because of its bulk and to reduce the risk to its publisher should it fail to sell. In fact it proved immensely popular. On its publication in paperback in the United States in 1965, it attained cult status on college campuses. Although some critics disparage it, several polls since 1996 have named The Lord of the Rings the best book of the 20th century, and its success made it possible for other authors to thrive by writing fantasy fiction. It had sold more than 50 million copies in some 30 languages by the turn of the 21st century. A film version of The Lord of the Rings by New Zealand director Peter Jackson, released in three installments in 200103, achieved worldwide critical and financial success.

      Several shorter works by Tolkien appeared during his lifetime. These include a mock-medieval story, Farmer Giles of Ham (1949); The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and Other Verses from the Red Book (1962), poetry related to The Lord of the Rings; Tree and Leaf (1964), with the seminal lectureOn Fairy-Storiesand the taleLeaf by Niggle”; and the fantasy Smith of Wootton Major (1967). Tolkien in his old age failed to complete The Silmarillion, theprequelto The Lord of the Rings, and left it to his youngest son, Christopher, to edit and publish (1977). Christopher likewise compiled The Children of Húrin (2007; also published as Narn I Chin Hurin: The Tale of the Children of Hurin) from his father's unfinished manuscripts; it too is set in Middle-earth prior to The Lord of the Rings. Among other posthumous works by Tolkien are The Father Christmas Letters (1976), Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth (1980), The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien (1981), Mr. Bliss (1982), and Roverandom (1998). The History of Middle-earth (198396) traces the writing of thelegendarium,” including The Lord of the Rings, through its various stages.

Wayne G. Hammond

Additional Reading
Humphrey Carpenter, J.R.R. Tolkien, rev. ed. (1987, reprinted 2000; also published as Tolkien), is the authorized biography. John Tolkien and Priscilla Tolkien, The Tolkien Family Album (1992), is a useful adjunct to Carpenter. Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull, J.R.R. Tolkien: Artist & Illustrator (1995, reprinted 2000), examines Tolkien's paintings and drawings. Wayne G. Hammond, J.R.R. Tolkien: A Descriptive Bibliography (1993), is a detailed guide to Tolkien's own writings. Richard C. West, Tolkien Criticism, rev. ed. (1981); and Judith A. Johnson, J.R.R. Tolkien: Six Decades of Criticism (1986), are the best (if now dated) guides to writings about Tolkien. Robert Foster, The Complete Guide to Middle-earth, rev. and enlarged ed. (1978; originally published as A Guide to Middle-earth, 1971); and Karen Wynn Fonstad, The Atlas of Middle-earth, rev. ed. (1991), are essential companions to The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion. T.A. Shippey, The Road to Middle-earth, new ed. (1992), is an important analysis of Tolkien's fiction, especially from a linguistic point of view. Three essay collections may also be recommended: Jared Lobdell (ed.), A Tolkien Compass (1975, reissued 1980); Patricia Reynolds and Glen GoodKnight (eds.), Proceedings of the J.R.R. Tolkien Centenary Conference, 1992 (1995); and Verlyn Flieger and Carl F. Hostetter (eds.), Tolkien's Legendarium (2000).

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