

      (Hebrew: “Purifications”), the last of the six major divisions, or orders (sedarim), of the Mishna (codification of Jewish oral laws), which was given its final form early in the 3rd century AD by Judah ha-Nasi. Ṭohorot consists of 12 tractates (treatises) that deal with ritual impurity and rites of purification. Their names are: Kelim (“Vessels”), Ohalot (“Tents”), Negaʿim (“Plagues”), Para (“Cow”), Ṭohorot (“Purifications”), Miqwaʾot (“Ritual Baths”), Nidda (“A Menstruous Woman”), Makhshirin (“Predisposers”), Zavim (“Those with Unclean Discharges”), Ṭevul yom (“Daytime Bathers”), Yadayim (“Hands”), and ʿUqtzin (“Stalks”). The Palestinian and Babylonian Talmuds both have Gemara (scholarly commentaries) on Nidda but on none of the other tractates.

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