

      chihō (region), located on northern Honshu, Japan, and including the ken (prefectures) of Aomori, Akita, Iwate, Yamagata, Miyagi, and Fukushima. Its name is derived from the Japanese terms (“east”) and hoku (“north”). The region is also known as Ōu, in reference to its main mountain range. Tohoku occupies nearly one-fifth of Japan's total area but contains less than one-tenth of the country's total population; it constitutes Japan's least-developed region, after Hokkaido.

      Three mountain ranges run roughly parallel across Tohoku from north to south, separated by rows of lowlands. The ranges and lowlands are, from east to west, the Kitakami Range (Kitakami-sammyaku) and Abukuma Range, the Kitakami River and Abukuma River lowlands, the Ōu Mountains, a row of basins constituting the Median Groove, and the Dewa Mountains and the mountains associated with Mount Asahi and Mount Iide. Maritime lowlands occur along the Sea of Japan coast.

      The backbone range of the Ōu Mountains forms the major climatic boundary of the region. It separates the western area of warmer summers and snowy winters from the eastern area of cooler summers and drier winters. The northeastern coastal belt is frequented by sea fog and cool easterly winds during the growing season. The highly indented coast of the Kitakami Range is subject to destructive tsunamis (ocean waves caused by earthquakes).

      Tohoku depends chiefly on agriculture and is often referred to as the rice granary of Japan. Fruit is also grown, and cattle are raised. During the 1950s dams were constructed in the mountains of Tohoku to form a power-generation area. Primary industries include forestry, mining, and fishing. The region is known for such traditional manufactures as lacquer ware, iron and copper utensils, toys, and textiles. During the late 1970s industrial agglomerations began forming in cities such as Hachinohe, Akita, Sendai, and Jōban-Kōriyama. Communications were improved by the Seikan Tunnel (a submarine tunnel between Aomori and Hokkaido), which was completed in 1988. Tourism has grown rapidly, based on three national parks and numerous hot springs. Urban growth has been comparatively slow, however. Area 25,858 square miles (66,971 square km). Pop. (1999 est.) 9,831,484.

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Universalium. 2010.

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