Toba, Go-

Toba, Go-

emperor of Japan
in full  Go-Toba Tennō,  personal name  Takahira  
born Aug. 6, 1180, Kyōto, Japan
died March 28, 1239, Oki province, Japan

      82nd emperor of Japan, whose attempt to restore power to the imperial house resulted in total subjugation of the Japanese court.

      He was placed on the throne in 1183, taking the reign name Go-Toba (“Later Toba”), by the Minamoto clan after it had established military hegemony over most of Japan.

      After reigning for 15 years, Go-Toba in 1198 abdicated in favour of his son in order to form a cloister government (insei) through which he dominated the imperial court. The following year Minamoto Yoritomo, head of the Minamoto clan, whom the emperor had appointed to the office of shogun (military dictator), died, and in the next few years members of the Hōjō Family established themselves as the hereditary shogunal regents, thus effectively usurping the power of the shogun.

      Go-Toba took advantage of the ensuing friction to develop his own power structure, including a sizable army. In 1219 the last of the Minamoto line died, and Hōjō Yoshitoki (11631224) became firmly established as regent. Go-Toba believed there was enough discontent with Hōjō rule to warrant a confrontation. After accusing Yoshitoki of being a rebel in 1221, he issued a call to warrior families throughout the country to join his forces. The Hōjō, however, reacted swiftly, and less than a month later the uprising was over. Go-Toba and his two sons were exiled, and the Hōjō family solidified their military and economic hold on the court. The incident is known as the Jōkyū Disturbance (Jōkyū no ran), from the name of the period between 1219 and 1221 in which the incident occurred.

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