Toʾ Kenali

Toʾ Kenali

Malaysian theologian
original name Muhammad Yusof Bin Ahmad
born 1868, Kampung Kenali, Kelantan, Straits Settlements [now in Malaysia] (Malay)
died Nov. 19, 1933, Kampong Kota Baharu, Straits Settlements

      Malay theologian and teacher who became the archetype of the rural Malay religious teacher (ʿalim), with a reputation that spread far beyond his native Kelantan to Sumatra, Java, and Cambodia.

      Muhammad Yusof, born into a poor, peasant family, was taught the fundamentals of the Islāmic religion at home, in his village, and in the nearby capital, Kota Baharu. He went to Mecca at the age of 18 and studied there for 22 years. He returned to Kelantan in 1908 and began to teach from his house, attracting students who set up their own small huts (pondok) in the traditional manner, which allowed them to live nearby while studying with him. Though he was invited by the sultan to teach in the state mosque in Kota Baharu, and did so from 1915 to 1920, it was at the Pondok Toʾ Kenali that his influence was chiefly felt; it became one of the largest schools in the state, with more than 300 students by the mid-1920s. Toʾ Kenali played a considerable role in developing Arabic-language instruction as well as religious teaching in Malaysia, and many of his students came to occupy important positions in Islāmic affairs in the country. In addition, he played an important part in shaping the state Majlis Agama Islām (“Islāmic Religious Council”), set up in 1915 to oversee all aspects of Islām in Kelantan. It later became the model for similar councils in the remaining Malay states.

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