Ticknor, George

Ticknor, George

▪ American author and educator
born August 1, 1791, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.
died January 26, 1871, Boston

      American author and educator who helped modernize the curriculum at Harvard University.

      Educated at Dartmouth College, Ticknor first practiced law but then went to Europe to study (1815–19), returning to the United States to become professor of French and Spanish languages and literatures and professor of belles-lettres at Harvard. During his 16 years at Harvard, Ticknor introduced the study of contemporary writers (the curriculum having previously been confined almost exclusively to the classics) and was the first to suggest that Harvard be organized on departmental lines, a suggestion that was adopted a few years later. From 1835 to 1838 Ticknor traveled in Europe, returning to work on his monumental History of Spanish Literature, which was published in three volumes in 1849. It was the first comprehensive study of Spanish literature. Ticknor was a founder of the Boston Public Library in 1848 and bequeathed to the library his valuable collection of books on Spanish literature. He was the author of a number of other works, of which the chief was a biography (1864) of historian William H. Prescott (Prescott, William H(ickling)).

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  • TICKNOR, GEORGE —    American man of letters, born in Boston; studied in various European cities, where he was received in the best literary circles, and of which he has left in his journal interesting impressions; held the professorship of French and Spanish in… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Ticknor, George — (1791 1871)    Historian and biographer, s. of a rich man, was b. at Boston, Mass., and ed. for the law. He, however, gave himself to study and writing, and also travelled much. After being a Prof. at Harvard, 1819 35, he went in the latter year… …   Short biographical dictionary of English literature

  • George Ticknor — (* 1. August 1791 in Boston, Massachusetts, Vereinigte Staaten; † 26. Januar 1871) war ein US amerikanischer Akademiker, der auf Linguistik und Literatur spezialisiert war. Er ist insbesondere durch seine Arbeit hinsichtlich der Geschichte der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ticknor — George Ticknor (* 1. August 1791 in Boston; † 26. Januar 1871) war ein amerikanischer Literaturhistoriker. George Ticknor wurde im Dartmouth College erzogen und zum Juristen vorgebildet, gab aber diesen Beruf auf, ging 1815 nach Europa, wo er… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • George Ticknor — George Ticknor. George Ticknor (Boston, 1 de agosto de 1791 ibíd., 26 de enero de 1871) fue un historiador, traductor e hispanista norteamericano. Biografía Profesor de literatura española y francesa en la Universidad de …   Wikipedia Español

  • Ticknor — Ticknor, George, Literarhistoriker, geb. 1. Aug. 1791 in Boston, gest. 26. Jan. 1871, studierte die Rechte, hielt sich dann fünf Jahre lang in Europa auf und wurde nach seiner Rückkehr Professor der französischen und spanischen Sprache und… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Ticknor — Ticknor, George, geb. 1785 in Boston, bereiste Westeuropa, vorzüglich Spanien, u. wurde dann Professor der Spanischen Sprache in Cambridge (in Massachusetts); nachdem er seine Stelle niedergelegt hatte, lebte er ganz seinen Studien u. unternahm… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Ticknor — Ticknor, George, amerik. Literarhistoriker, geb. 1. Aug. 1791 zu Boston, Prof. zu Cambridge (Ver. Staaten), gest. 26. Jan. 1871; Hauptwerk: »History of Spanish literature« (4. Aufl. 1871: deutsch 1852 67). – Biogr. von Hillard (engl., 2 Bde.,… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Ticknor — Ticknor, George, geb. 1791 zu Boston, längere Zeit an der nordamerikan. Universität Cambridge Professor der schönen Wissenschaften, schrieb eine berühmte Geschichte der span. Literatur (3 Bde., Newyork und London 1849), die von Julius mit… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • George Ticknor — (August 1, 1791 ndash; January 26, 1871), was an American academician, specializing in the subject areas of languages and literature. He is known for his scholarly work on the history and criticism of Spanish literature. Biography Ticknor was… …   Wikipedia

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