

Myanmar title
      (Burmese:headman”), in Myanmar (Burmese) history, the title of either of two local royal officials: the myothugyi, or township chief, most common in the south, and the thaikthugyi, or regional chief, exclusive to the north.

      A myothugyi performed as a government official within special service areas (asu, or athin). As an appointed arbitrator, he took responsibility for settling disputes among his followers and ensured the performance of their duties, whether civilian or military, in the several types of regional asu. The governing authority of the myothugyi differed in extent and in kind from that of royally appointed officials: as a local hereditary leader of the people, the myothugyi held office for life; if his line died out, a new myothugyi could be designated by the Hlutdaw (ministerial council). A myothugyi tended to identify himself with the interests of his own people, in contrast to the essentially arbitrary and often predatory authority of the appointed royal officials. Myothugyis were basically the protecting police officers, public-works commissioners, justices of the peace, apportioners and collectors of taxes, and recruiters for the armed forces.

      The thaikthugyi, similar to the myothugyi in duties and privileges, operated in areas where the population was more alien (athi) and imperfectly assimilated. A thaikthugyi could acquire genuine authority locally through election by the villages and authentication by the Hlutdaw. In addition to other duties, a thaikthugyi kept census records and helped conscript men for the army.

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Universalium. 2010.

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