Thomas, Edward

Thomas, Edward

British author
in full  Philip Edward Thomas  
born March 3, 1878, Lambeth, London, Eng.
died April 9, 1917, Arras, France

      English writer who turned to poetry only after a long career spent producing nature studies and critical works on such 19th-century writers as Richard Jefferies (Jefferies, Richard), George Borrow (Borrow, George), Algernon Charles Swinburne (Swinburne, Algernon Charles), and Walter Pater (Pater, Walter).

      Thomas was educated at St. Paul's School and the University of Oxford and spent most of his life unhappily employed as an essayist and journalist. In 1913 he met the American poet Robert Frost (Frost, Robert), who encouraged him to write poetry. Two years later Thomas enlisted in the British army; freed from routine literary work, he was able to produce increasingly fluent poetry. The rhythms of his verse are quiet and unstressed; he was above all a poet of the country. He was killed during World War I, and most of his poems were published posthumously, though a few were published under the name Edward Eastaway during his lifetime. Thomas' Collected Poems appeared in 1920.

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