Thierry, Augustin

Thierry, Augustin

French historian
born 1795
died 1856

      French historian whose discursive method of presenting history in picturesque and dramatic terms makes him one of the outstanding Romantic historians.

      Thierry was educated at Blois and at the École Normale in Paris, where he first met Saint-Simon. He was fired with Saint-Simon's ideal society of the future, becoming his secretary in 1814 and always calling himself theadopted sonof the socialist visionary.

      As a professional historian he was influenced particularly by the works of Sir Walter Scott, and, though he himself wrote no romances, his conception of history fully recognized the dramatic element. His main subjects are the Germanic invasions, the Norman Conquest, the formation of the medieval communes, the gradual ascent of the nations toward free government, and parliamentary institutions. From Claude Fauriel he learned to consult original sources; and, in writing his most original and ambitious work, L'Histoire de la conquête de l'Angleterre par les Normands (3 vol. 1825; History of the Conquest of England by the Normans, 1825), he made use of Latin chronicles and Anglo-Saxon laws. This work cost Thierry his eyesight. He was obliged to engage secretaries, and in 1830 he became totally blind. In 1841 the French Academy awarded him the first Prix Gobert, a prize bestowed on him for the next 15 years.

      An ardent supporter of the revolution of July 1830 and of the triumph of liberal ideas, Thierry was always interested in the destiny of the bourgeoisie, as is evident from some of his works.

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