Theodebert I

Theodebert I

king of Reims
born c. 495/500
died 547

      Merovingian king of Reims who succeeded his father, Theodoric I, in late 533 and greatly expanded the area under Frankish hegemony.

      A proven soldier before he came to the throne, Theodebert exploited the war in Italy between Byzantium and the Ostrogoths to gain extensive territory in the Alpine regions and the northeast of the peninsula, though most of this was lost after his death. With expansion also in the east, Theodebert claimed control of peoples from the Baltic to beyond the Danube. By minting gold coins bearing his, rather than the Byzantine emperor's, effigy and name, Theodebert asserted his independence of Constantinople. Just and generous, especially to the church, Theodebert is appealing among the Merovingians and, Clovis apart, perhaps the most remarkable personality among them. He was succeeded by his son, Theodebald.

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Universalium. 2010.

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