Theobald I

Theobald I

count of Blois, Chartres, and Tours
also called  Theobald the Cheat , or  Theobald the Old , French  Thibaud le Tricheur , or  Thibaud le Vieil 
born c. 908
died c. 978

      count of Blois, Chartres, and Tours.

      Theobald earned his nicknamethe Cheatfighting with his neighbours, among them the kings of France, the dukes of Normandy, and the church of Reims. He seized the area around Blois about 940 and later augmented his holdings with the counties of Chartres and Châteaudun. In 945 Hugh the Great made Theobald responsible for holding the French king Louis IV prisoner.

king of Navarre
also called  Theobald the Troubadour  or  the Posthumous , French  Thibaud le Chansonnier  or  le Posthume , Spanish  Teobaldo el Trovador  or  el Póstumo  
born May 3, 1201, Troyes, France
died July 8, 1253, Pamplona, Navarre [now in Spain]

      count of Troyes and of Champagne (from 1201), as Theobald IV, and king of Navarre (from 1234), the most famous of the aristocratic trouvères (trouvère).

      He was the son of Theobald III of Champagne, who died before his son was born, and Blanche of Navarre. He lived for four years at the court of King Philip II of France, to whom he did feudal homage in 1214. After Philip's death (1223), he supported Philip's son Louis VIII but deserted him in 1226 at the siege of Avignon, conducted by the king as part of his campaign against the Albigenses, a religious sect deemed heretical. On the death of Louis a few months later, Theobald joined a dissident league of barons who opposed Louis's widow and regent of France, Blanche Of Castile. He soon abandoned the league and became reconciled with Blanche. It was rumoured that he was her lover and had poisoned her husband, and many of his poems are thought to be addressed to her. He led the Crusade of 123940 and, after his return, spent the rest of his life in Champagne and Navarre, where he introduced several French administrative innovations.

      Theobald left about 60 lyrics, mainly love songs and debates in verse, with two pastourelles (love songs between knight and shepherdess) and nine religious poems. Perhaps he found his true level in the jeu-parti (courtly love debate) in which he discusses with a crony from the Crusades whether it is better to embrace one's love in the dark or to see her without embracing her, with wry allusions to the crony's crutch and his own potbelly. Theobald's lyrics, with their music, have survived in six manuscripts.

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