

also called  Iteso  

      people of central Uganda and Kenya who speak Teso (Ateso), an Eastern Sudanic (Eastern Sudanic languages) (Nilotic (Nilotic languages)) language of the Nilo-Saharan language family. The Teso are counted among the most progressive farmers of Uganda; they quickly took to ox plows when they began cultivating cotton in the early 1900s. Millet is their major staple crop, cotton their economic mainstay.

      Much of the traditional culture and organization of the Teso was lost when they were conquered by the Ganda under Kakunguru at the end of the 19th century. The age grade system and the clan lost their importance, and much of the indigenous territorial organization was destroyed. Almost all indigenous religion has been replaced by Christianity; previously the Teso believed in an omnipotent but remote god, Akuj, and a god of calamity, Edeke.

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