

▪ Libyan prince
      chieftain of Sais, in the northwest Nile River delta, later king and founder of the 24th dynasty (c. 722–c. 715 BCE; see ancient Egypt: The 24th and 25th dynasties (Egypt, ancient)). He was reduced to vassalage by Piye (formerly called Piankhi), a Kushite (Nubian (Nubia)) ruler who invaded Egypt (Egypt, ancient).

      From his base in the northwest delta, Tefnakhte, a Libyan prince, advanced south in a bid to conquer Upper Egypt. Securing allies along the way, he succeeded in reaching Hermopolis (Hermopolis Magna), a Middle Egyptian town. This action provoked the Kushite, who were the protectors of Upper Egypt, to action. In a swift series of attacks, they smashed Tefnakhte's river fleet and drove him back to Memphis, near present-day Cairo, where a stubborn siege developed. While Tefnakhte went northward seeking reinforcements, Piye captured Memphis and resumed his advance into the delta. Tefnakhte submitted, but not in person, and swore a loyalty oath as a vassal.

      After Piye returned to Kush, Tefnakhte quickly abandoned his oath and proclaimed himself king of Egypt. The king “So,” with whom Hosea, king of Israel, conspired according to 2 Kings 17:1–4, has been identified by some scholars as Tefnakhte, “So” probably referring to Sais, his capital. This event, if accurately placed, would predate Piye's intervention in Lower Egypt. Another possibility is that “So” might refer to Osorkon IV, the last ruler of the 22nd dynasty (see ancient Egypt: the 22nd and 23rd dynasties (Egypt, ancient)).

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