Taylor, Peter

Taylor, Peter

American author
in full  Peter Hillsman Taylor 
born Jan. 8, 1917, Trenton, Tenn., U.S.
died Nov. 2, 1994, Charlottesville, Va.

      American short-story writer, novelist, and playwright known for his portraits of Tennessee gentry caught in a changing society.

      From 1936 to 1937 Taylor attended Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, then the center of a Southern literary renaissance led by poets Allen Tate (Tate, Allen), Robert Penn Warren (Warren, Robert Penn), and John Crowe Ransom (Ransom, John Crowe). He transferred to Southwestern College in Memphis to study with Tate in 1937, then completed his B.A. in 1940 under Ransom at Kenyon College, Ohio. After serving in the army during World War II, Taylor taught at a number of schools until 1967, when he joined the faculty of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.

      Taylor is best known for his short stories, which are usually set in his contemporary Tennessee and which reveal conflicts between old rural society and the rough, industrializedNew South.” Much of Taylor's fiction was first published in magazines, notably The New Yorker (New Yorker, The). His first collection, A Long Fourth, and Other Stories (1948), contains subtle depictions of family disintegration, a concern that continues to surface in his subsequent work. In his 1950 novella A Woman of Means, regarded by many as his finest work, a young narrator recalls his wealthy stepmother's nervous collapse and reveals the tension between her city ways and his father's rural values.

      The Widows of Thornton (1954), Happy Families Are All Alike (1959), and Miss Leonora When Last Seen and Fifteen Other Stories (1963) secured the author's reputation as a master of short fiction. His later works include In the Miro District and Other Stories (1977), The Old Forest and Other Stories (1985), the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel A Summons to Memphis (1986), and The Oracle at Stoneleigh Court (1993), a collection of short stories and three plays.

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