Ṭahmāsp I

Ṭahmāsp I

Ṣafavid shah of Iran
born , March 3, 1514, Shāhābād, near Eṣfahān, Ṣafavid Iran
died 1576, Kazvin?

      shāh of Iran from 1524 whose rule was marked by continuing warfare with the Ottoman Empire and the loss of large amounts of territory.

      Ṭahmāsp, the eldest son of Shāh Ismāʿīl I, founder of the Ṣafavid dynasty, was for a long period after coming to the throne a pawn of powerful tribal leaders. Three times (1534, 1538, and 1543) Ottoman forces invaded Iran, recovering territory lost earlier and capturing new areas. Hostility between the Ottomans and Iran was intensified by religious differences between the Shīʿī sect (Iran) and the Sunnī sect (Ottoman Empire) of Islām. Peace was concluded with the Ottomans in 1555. Ṭahmāsp spent his later years in seclusion at his palace, giving little attention to public affairs.

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