Sverrir Sigurdsson

Sverrir Sigurdsson

king of Norway
Norwegian  Sverre Sigurdsson  
born c. 1149, Faroe Islands
died March 9, 1202, Bergen, Nor.

      king of Norway (11771202) and one of the best-known figures in medieval Norwegian history. By expanding the power of the monarchy and limiting the privileges of the church, he provoked civil uprisings that were not quelled until 1217.

      The son of Gunnhild, a Norwegian woman married to a Faroe Islands man, Sverrir was ordained priest at an unusually early age. After his mother told him that he was actually the son of the former Norwegian king Sigurd II, however, he left for Norway (1174) to claim the throne. By 1177 he had become leader of the Birchlegs, rivals of the incumbent ruler Magnus V (Magnus V Erlingsson). A skillful military leader, Sverrir was proclaimed king in the Trondheim region and soundly defeated the forces of Magnus in 1179. He became sole king of Norway in 1184 after his troops defeated and killed Magnus.

      Sverrir made peace with the exiled archbishop Eystein Erlendsson, a supporter of Magnus V, after Eystein's return to Norway in 1183. Sverrir's assertion of royal power to elect bishops and his demand for a reduction in the archbishop's personal armed forces, however, alienated Eystein's successor, Erik Ivarsson, who refused to crown Sverrir and fled to Denmark with many of the nation's bishops in 1190. The remaining bishops crowned Sverrir in 1194 but were later excommunicated along with the king by Pope Innocent III. To the denunciations of the pope and the interdict under which he had been placed Sverrir responded with hisSpeech Against the Bishop,” the clearest argument of the time in favour of secular paramountcy over the church.

      In 1196 the dissident bishop of Oslo, Nicholas Arnesson, joined forces with the exiled archbishop Erik Ivarsson and returned to Norway with a fleet, precipitating the Crosier War, a rebellion of the Crosiers, a group headed by religious and secular leaders opposed to Sverrir's ecclesiastical and administrative reforms. Nicholas gained control of much of eastern Norway, won the support of the labouring classes, and threatened to advance on the inland territory held by Sverrir before suffering serious reverses in 1199. By 1202 Sverrir had defeated the Crosier opposition, but civil war continued after his death. He was succeeded by his son Haakon III, who made peace with the church but died in 1204, only two years after assuming office.

Additional Reading
An account of Sverrir's life is given in the Icelandic narrative Sverris saga, which has been translated as Sverrissaga: The Saga of King Sverri of Norway, trans. by J. Sephton (1899, reissued as The Saga of King Sverri of Norway, 1994).

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