

▪ Ṣūfī order
      Muslim order of mystics (Ṣūfīs) noted for the severity of its spiritual discipline, founded in Baghdad by Abū Najīb as-Suhrawardī and developed by his nephew ʿUmar as-Suhrawardī. The order's ritual prayers (dhikr) are based upon thousands of repetitions of seven names of God, identified with seven “subtle spirits” (laṭāʾif sabʿah) which in turn correspond to seven lights.

      The main order became concentrated in Afghanistan and the Indian subcontinent, while other branches moved westward. The orthodox Khalwatīyah, also strictly disciplined, was founded in Iran by ʿUmar al-Khalwatī, then spread into Turkey and Egypt in many branches. The Ṣafawīyah, organized by Ṣafī od-Dīn, at Ardabīl, Iran, gave rise to the Iranian Ṣafavid dynasty (1502–1736) and several Turkish branches active against the Ottomans early in the 16th century. The Algerian Raḥmānīyah grew out of the Khalwatīyah in the second half of the 18th century, when ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān al-Ghushtulī, the founder, made himself the centre of Khalwatī devotion.

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Universalium. 2010.

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