Sturm, Johannes

Sturm, Johannes

German educator
born Oct. 1, 1507, Schleiden, Julich
died May 3, 1589, Strassburg

      German educator whose Latin Gymnasium at Strassburg became a model for secondary schools in Protestant countries during the Reformation.

      Educated at the school of the Brethren of the Common Life in Liège and at the Catholic University of Leuven (Louvain), where he also taught, Sturm lectured in Paris (153036) before being invited to Strassburg to become rector of a new Gymnasium there. In 1538 he guided the consolidation of schools into one big Gymnasium.

      At Strassburg Sturm embraced the Protestant faith and made the curriculum of his schools entirely classical, with only minor attention to religion. He regarded Latin (Latin language) as not only an essential cultural accoutrement but also as necessary preparation for professional careers, in which fluent and elegant Latin and power of expression were prerequisites for success. Sturm's aim was thus education for the real world. The form of classical studydevoted as it was to rhetoric and style in imitation of such ancient orators as Cicero and Demostheneswas widely copied throughout Germany, as well as in England, although it often degenerated into the study of Latin by rote and the neglect of other subjects. Sturm wrote Latin textbooks and several treatises on educational theory and practice.

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Universalium. 2010.

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