Stopes, Marie

Stopes, Marie

British botanist and social worker
in full  Marie Charlotte Carmichael Stopes 
born Oct. 15, 1880, Edinburgh, Scot.
died Oct. 2, 1958, near Dorking, Surrey, Eng.
 advocate of birth control who, in 1921, founded the United Kingdom's first instructional clinic for contraception. Although her clinical work, writings, and speeches evoked violent opposition, especially from Roman Catholics, she greatly influenced the Church of England's gradual relaxation (from 1930) of its stand against birth control.

      After obtaining a doctorate in botany from the University of Munich in 1904, Stopes taught at the University of Manchester. A specialist on fossil plants and the problems of coal mining, she had established a considerable academic reputation when the failure of her first marriage, which was annulled in 1916, caused her to turn to the problems of marriage. She initially saw birth control as an aid to marriage fulfillment and as a means to save women from the physical strain of excessive childbearing. In this respect she differed from several other early leaders of the birth-control movement, who were more concerned with eliminating overpopulation and poverty.

      In 1918 she married Humphrey Verdon Roe, cofounder of the A.V. Roe aircraft firm, who helped her in the crusade that she then began. Their original birth-control clinic was founded three years later, in the Holloway district of London. In the meantime she wrote Married Love and Wise Parenthood (both 1918), which were widely translated. Her Contraception: Its Theory, History and Practice (1923, new ed. 1931) was, when it first appeared, the most comprehensive treatment of the subject. After World War II she promoted birth control in East Asian countries.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Stopes,Marie Carmichael — Stopes (stōps), Marie Carmichael. 1880 1958. British paleontologist and social reformer who opened England s first birth control clinic (1924) in London and later promoted family planning in the Far East. * * * …   Universalium

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  • Marie Charlotte Carmichael Stopes — Marie Stopes Marie Stopes dans son laboratoire en 1904. Marie Stopes (15 octobre 1880 2 octobre 1958) était une femme de lettre écossaise, militante pour le droit des femmes et pionnière du contrôle des naissances …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Stopes — Marie Stopes (* 15. Oktober 1880; † 2. Oktober 1958) war eine schottische Autorin, Frauenrechtsaktivistin ( Suffragette ) und Pionierin im Bereich der Familienplanung. Sie gab das Magazin Birth Control News heraus. Ihre Tätigkeiten brachten ihr… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Marie Stopes — noun birth control campaigner who in 1921 opened the first birth control clinic in London (1880 1958) • Syn: ↑Stopes, ↑Marie Charlotte Carmichael Stopes • Instance Hypernyms: ↑birth control campaigner, ↑birth control reformer * * * Marie …   Useful english dictionary

  • Marie Charlotte Carmichael Stopes — noun birth control campaigner who in 1921 opened the first birth control clinic in London (1880 1958) • Syn: ↑Stopes, ↑Marie Stopes • Instance Hypernyms: ↑birth control campaigner, ↑birth control reformer …   Useful english dictionary

  • Stopes — noun birth control campaigner who in 1921 opened the first birth control clinic in London (1880 1958) • Syn: ↑Marie Stopes, ↑Marie Charlotte Carmichael Stopes • Instance Hypernyms: ↑birth control campaigner, ↑birth control reformer …   Useful english dictionary

  • Marie Stopes — in ihrem Labor, 1904 Marie Carmichael Stopes (* 15. Oktober 1880; † 2. Oktober 1958) war eine schottische Botanikerin, Autorin, Frauenrechtsaktivistin ( Suffragette ) und Pionierin im Bereich der Familienplanung. Mary Stopes wurde als Tochter des …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Marie Stopes — dans son laboratoire en 1904. Marie Stopes (15 octobre 1880 2 octobre 1958) était une paléobotaniste écossaise, une militante pour le droit des femmes et une pionnière du contrôle des naissances …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Stopes — may refer to: *Marie Stopes (1880 1958), Scottish author *Stopes, rooms supported by surrounding pillars of standing rock in Hard rock miningee also*Stull Stoping, an underground mining method …   Wikipedia

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