Stoecker, Adolf

Stoecker, Adolf

German politician
Stoecker also spelled  Stöcker 
born December 11, 1835, Halberstadt, Prussia [now in Germany]
died February 2, 1909, Bozen Gries, Germany

      cleric, conservative politician, and reformer who founded the German Christian Social Party and promoted political anti-Semitism in Germany.

      An army chaplain during the Franco-German War (187071), Stoecker secured appointment as a court preacher at the cathedral in Berlin in 1874. Hoping to win the working classes back to Christianity and away from the radical secularism of the Social Democratic movement, he founded his Christian Social Workers' Party (1878)—later renamed the Christian Social Party (1881). Although failing in its appeal to the workers, the party attracted a considerable following among the Berlin lower-middle classes because of its founder's espousal of anti-Semitism. As a member of the Reichstag (national parliament) in 188193 and 18981908, he sought to revive the fortunes of conservative politics by opening the parties of the right to mass support. In 1890having abandoned his official clerical duties for politicshe founded two Christian social-political associations, the Lutheran Social Congress and the United Lutheran Workers' League of Germany. In 1892 he was influential in fashioning a new political program for the Conservative Party that, among other activities, officially committed that party to an anti-Semitic course. By 1896, however, he had left the party, and thereafter his political role was insignificant.

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