Stimson, Henry L

Stimson, Henry L

United States statesman

born Sept. 21, 1867, New York City
died Oct. 20, 1950, Huntington, N.Y., U.S.
 statesman who exercised a strong influence on U.S. foreign policy in the 1930s and 1940s. He served in the administrations of five presidents between 1911 and 1945.

      Stimson was admitted to the New York bar in 1891, and he served as U.S. attorney for the southern district of the state in 190609. He was secretary of war in the Cabinet of Pres. William Howard Taft in 191113, and he fought briefly in France as a field artillery officer during World War I. Pres. Calvin Coolidge recalled him to public life in 1927 as a special commissioner to Nicaragua to mediate a civil dispute, which he successfully reconciled. Between 1927 and 1929 he served as governor general of the Philippine Islands.

      Appointed secretary of state under Pres. Herbert Hoover (192933), Stimson led the U.S. delegation to the London Naval Conference in 1930. Following the Japanese occupation of Manchuria in 1931, he sent to Japan and China identical notes (Jan. 7, 1932) stating that the United States did not intend to recognize as legally valid any situation, treaty, or agreement impairing U.S. treaty rights or brought about by means contrary to the Pact of Paris (1919). This policy afterward became known as the Stimson Doctrine.

      By the beginning of World War II, Stimson was known as an outspoken interventionist and a leading member of the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies. Although a lifelong Republican, he was appointed secretary of war by Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1940, to strengthen bipartisan support of foreign policy. In this capacity he guided the expansion and training of the U.S. Army throughout the war. He also acted as chief adviser on atomic policy to President Roosevelt and, later, to Pres. Harry S. Truman. To President Truman he recommended that atom bombs (atomic bomb) be dropped on Japanese cities of military importance. He later justified the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on humanitarian grounds, arguing that use of the bomb accelerated the surrender of Japan and thus saved more lives than it cost.

      Stimson left office in September 1945. His publications include American Policy in Nicaragua (1927), Democracy and Nationalism in Europe (1934), and The Far East Crisis (1936). With McGeorge Bundy he wrote an autobiography entitled On Active Service in Peace and War (1948).

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