

Greek poet
born 632/629 BC, Mataurus, Bruttium, Magna Graecia [now in southern Italy]
died 556/553 BC, Catania [or Himera], Sicily

      Greek poet known for his distinctive choral lyric verse on epic themes. His name was originally Teisias, according to the Byzantine lexicon Suda (10th century AD). Stesichorus, which in Greek meansinstructor of choruses,” was a byname derived from his professional activity, which he practiced especially in Himera, a town on the northern coast of Sicily.

      Scholars at Alexandria (Alexandria, Library of) in the 3rd or 2nd century BC divided Stesichorus's work into 26 books, or papyrus rolls; although many titles survive, there exist only a few fragments of the actual poetry. Late 20th-century publications of papyrus finds have furthered the study of his work. The titles suggest that he took the themes of his poems from the traditional epic heritage found in mainland Greece and Asia Minor as well as in Italy and Sicily. Helen, Wooden Horse, Sack of Troy, Homecomings of the Heroes, and Oresteia are based on stories about the Trojan War. Cerberus, Geryoneis, and Cycnus are about Heracles. Funeral Games for Pelias is part of the legend of the Argonauts (Argonaut). Yet the poetry broke with the epic tradition, in which a single performer declaimed verse in dactylic hexameters, as Stesichorus's lyric verses in the Doric dialect were accompanied by a stringed instrument. The Roman educator Quintilian (1st century AD) wrote that Stesichorus supported the weight of the epic with his lyre. Some ancient sources placed Stesichorus in a line of solo kithara (lyre) performers.

      Stesichorus was credited with the three-part articulation of choral lyricstrophic lines followed by antistrophic lines in the same metre, concluding with a summary line, called an epode, in a different metrethat became canonical. The apparent length of some of his poems (Geryoneis seems to have reached more than 1,300 verses, and the Oresteia is in two books) has caused some scholars to doubt that a chorus could have performed them. The ancient testimony, however, is unanimous in classifying his poetry as choral lyric; it is possible that the choruses performed appropriate movements while the solo performer (perhaps the poet) sang the words.

      According to a story that was famous in the ancient world, Stesichorus was blinded by Helen after he blamed her in a poem for causing the Trojan War. He regained his sight by composing a double retraction, the Palinode. Scholars have doubted the poet's authorship of works such as Calyce, Rhadine, and Daphne, which seem to anticipate themes popular in the romantic poetry of the Hellenistic age (32330 BC).

Additional Reading
Stesichorus receives significant attention in G.O. Hutchinson, Greek Lyric Poetry: A Commentary on Selected Larger Pieces (2001); and Michael Schmidt, The First Poets: Lives of the Ancient Greek Poets (2005).

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