Steppe, the

Steppe, the

geographical area, Eurasia
 belt of grassland that extends some 5,000 miles (8,000 kilometres) from Hungary in the west through Ukraine and Central Asia to Manchuria in the east. Mountain ranges interrupt the steppe, dividing it into distinct segments; but horsemen could cross such barriers easily, so that steppe peoples could and did interact across the entire breadth of the Eurasian grassland throughout most of recorded history.

      Nonetheless, the unity of steppe history is difficult to grasp; steppe peoples left very little writing for historians to use, and Chinese, Middle Eastern, and European records tell only what happened within a restricted range across their respective steppe frontiers. Archaeology offers real but limited help (grave relics from chieftains' tombs abound but, of course, say little about everyday life and leave political, military, and linguistic alignments to inference). As a result, until about AD 1000, information concerning the rise and fall of steppe empires and the relation between events in the eastern and western portions of the steppe remains fraught with great uncertainty.

Physical and human geography

Physical features
 The lay of the land divides the Eurasian Steppe into two major segments. The first of these may be called the Western Steppe. It extends from the grassy plains at the mouth of the Danube River along the north shore of the Black Sea, across the lower Volga, and eastward as far as the Altai Mountains. The conventional division between Europe and Asia at the Ural Mountains is completely meaningless for steppe history and geography. The grasslands extend continuously south of the Ural Mountains on either side of the Ural River. The Western Steppe therefore constitutes one vast region, some 2,500 miles from east to west and between 200 and 600 miles from north to south. Within its bounds, a vast sea of grass made cross-country movement easy for anyone with a horse to ride. Rivers and streams cut through the grasslands, with trees growing along the banks. Streams flow slowly, trending, for the most part, either north or south and providing an easy mode of transport by river boat in summer and by sleigh in winter. Consequently, animal caravans and river transport made the steppe accessible to commerce even before modern roads and railroads transformed travel conditions.

      Hot summers and cold winters divide the year into sharply contrasting seasons. Temperatures are slightly more extreme in the east, but a more critical variable is rainfall, which diminishes as the rain-bearing winds from the Atlantic become increasingly erratic east of the Don. These temperature and precipitation gradients make the Ukraine and adjacent parts of Romania far richer natural pastureland than the land farther east. Peoples of the Western Steppe therefore tended to migrate westward along the steppe, seeking better grass and milder temperatures, whenever political conditions allowed them to do so.

      The second major segment of the Eurasian Steppe extends from the Altai Mountains on the west to the Greater Khingan Range on the east, embracing Mongolia and adjacent regions. It is higher, colder, and drier than the Western Steppe, with greater seasonal extremes of temperature than are found anywhere else in the world. Some 1,500 miles from east to west and about 400 to 500 miles from north to south, the Eastern Steppe is in every way a harsher land for human habitation than the Western Steppe. All the same, lower temperatures counteract lower precipitation by reducing evaporation, so that sparse grass does grow, at least seasonally, even where rainfall is only between 10 and 20 inches (250 and 500 millimetres) a year. At higher elevations precipitation increases, and the mountaintops accumulate snow caps from which streams descend into the dry lands below. Irrigated cultivation is possible along such streams. Oasis dwellers, whose skills and goods complemented those of pastoralists, played important roles in steppe history.

Early patterns of migration
      These geographical conditions meant that nomads (nomadism) of the Eastern Steppe, living as they did in one of the most severe climates of the Earth, were under constant temptation to move in one of two directions: either southward and eastward toward Manchuria and northern China or westward, passing between the Altai and Tien Shan along the valley of the Ili River and the shores of Lake Balkhash, toward the more inviting grasslands of the Western Steppe. Migrations and conquests funnelling through this Dzungarian Gate, as it is often called, gave the peoples of all the steppe a common history from the onset of horse nomadism. Warfare techniques, life-styles, religious ideas, artistic styles, languages, etc., spread widely across the steppes, never erasing local variations completely but making a single whole of the entire region in a more intimate way than the fragmentary records left by civilized scribes reveal.

      Manchuria on the east and Hungary on the west are separated from the two main portions of the Eurasian Steppe by the Greater Khingan and Carpathian mountains, respectively, and are also distinguished by relatively benign climates favourable to agriculture. Hence, before modern times, a mixed economy of pastoral and agricultural activities had greater scope in Hungary and Manchuria than in the main areas of the steppe.

      The same marginal participation in steppe history prevailed in the interior of Asia Minor, where open grassland, like that of the main portion of the steppe, was contiguous to similar grasslands in northern Syria and on southward into Arabia. On these southern grasslands arose another historically important style of nomad pastoralism that extended across the Red Sea deep into Africa as well. Since bypassing the Caucasus was easy for horsemen, movement from the northern to the southern grasslands occurred repeatedly. As a result, Eurasia's two great pastoral traditionsSemitic in the south, Indo-European, Turkish, and Mongol in the northmet and mingled in Asia Minor and on steppe lands south of the Caucasus and therefore shared common traditions. In all likelihood, horses were first domesticated in the north, for example, but came to play important roles in Arabia and even in Africa; while the spread of Islām across the northern steppe attested to the impact of southern nomad ideals upon northerners.

Geography of adjacent regions
 Boundaries of the steppe are imprecise. Toward the north the Eurasian grasslands fade into forested landscapes, and because of long winters and short, cool summers, even scant rainfall can sustain scrub growth of spruce and other conifers. The Russian name for such forests is taiga (boreal forest), as steppe is the Russian word for grasslands; and it is convenient to use these terms to describe the two zones of vegetation that set narrow limits on human life in northern Eurasia even today.

      The taiga was, for the most part, even more forbidding for human beings than the grasslands that lay to the south. In European Russia, a milder climate allowed deciduous forests to grow in some regions. There crops grew better than in the taiga, where agriculture could only be marginally successful, on account of poor soils and short growing seasons. In Asia, where taiga abutted directly on the steppe, hunters and gatherers of the forest were prone to migrate into the open grasslands. There they could establish themselves as nomads, and, being inured to the cold, heat, and hardship of the climate, they were in a good position to compete for a place on even the most forbidding steppe lands of Outer Mongolia. Similar migration from the forested north also occurred sporadically farther west. For example, Goths (Goth) from southern Sweden penetrated the Ukraine in the early Christian centuries and swiftly adopted the habits and accoutrements of steppe nomads.

      To the south the Eurasian Steppe fades into desert; but the deserts of Central Asia are dissected by mountain ranges in far more complicated fashion than the steppe proper. Since rainfall usually increases with elevation, mountains become islands of greenery in otherwise dry landscapes; and streams descending from mountaintops can sustain oasis cultivation in low-lying desert land. Grassland, sometimes merely seasonal, exists in all the mountainous areas of the Central Asian deserts. Complex, locally variable landscapes result. Hence the desert region that extends from the lower Volga and central Iranian plateau eastward through the Kara-Kum and Kyzylkum deserts to the Takla Makan and Gobi in the east is uninhabitable only in some salt-encrusted lowlands. Even in the most barren reaches of unsalted soil, some herbage is occasionally available for animals to pasture on, and oases are often densely populated.

Inhabitants of adjacent regions
 Interaction between steppe nomads and the various oasis dwellers of Central Asia was prolonged and intimate. Cities of the oases were often subjected to nomad rule; on the other hand, city dwellers' superior skills regularly captivated unfriendly nomads, and suitably fortified cities could sometimes preserve their independence, even against nomad assault. Looked at from a steppe point of view, China and Europe, together with the cultivable areas of the Middle East, were no more than unusually large oases fed by moisture from adjacent oceans and from the Mediterranean and other inland seas.

      Resources available for human life in these favoured regions were obviously more plentiful than in the steppe; and nomadic peoples, even when attached to their own ways of life, were strongly attracted by the wealth and ease that agricultural societies afforded. Movement southward from the steppe into one or another civilized zone was therefore a recurrent feature of Eurasian history. Nomads came as slaves, as traders and transport personnel, or as raiders and rulers. In this latter capacity, they played a politically prominent and often dominant part in Eurasian history. Because of their way of life, steppe peoples found it relatively easy to assemble large, mobile cavalry forces that could probe any weakness in civilized defenses and swiftly exploit whatever gaps they found. The political history of Eurasia consists very largely of nomad raids and conquests and the countervailing efforts by agricultural societies to defend themselves with an appropriate mix of armed force and diplomacy.

      Geography did much to shape the pattern of these interactions. In the east the Gobi, dividing Outer Mongolia from China proper, constituted a considerable barrier. Successful raiding across the Gobi required a larger scale organization and more centralized command than was needed further west, where no such geographical obstacles existed. Thus, nomad impact on China was both sporadic and drastic. In Central Asia (Central Asia, history of) the complex borderlands between the contiguous steppe in the north and Iran and Turan (i.e., modern Sinkiang and most of Central Asia), with their tangled mix of desert, mountain, grassland, and cultivated fields, made interpenetration between nomad populations and settled agriculturalists easy and inevitable. There more than elsewhere civilized traditions of life and those of steppe tribesmen blended through the centuries of recorded history down to the present. To the west, in Europe (Europe, history of), the boundary between steppe and sown land was far clearer than in Central Asia so that massed agricultural populations were more often able to protect themselves effectively from nomad harassment. As a result, nomad impact on European history was far less significant than in Central Asia and the Middle East (Middle East, ancient), where, of course, pressure from the northern steppe was compounded by raiders and conquerors coming from Tibet and the southern grasslands.

Emergence of the pastoral way of life

Critical developments
      The earliest human occupants of the Eurasian Steppe seem not to have differed very much from neighbours living in wooded landscapes. As elsewhere in Eurasia, hunters and gatherers using Paleolithic tools and weapons were succeeded on the steppes by Neolithic farmers who raised grain, kept domesticated (domestication) animals, and decorated their pottery with painted designs. The critical development that eventually distinguished life on the steppes was the domestication of horses (horse), but it is impossible to say when that development took place. Early Mesopotamian figurines showing equine animals pulling a cart probably record the domestication of donkeys and onagers, not horses. Only a few horse bones have been identified at early sites, and they may attest to successful hunting rather than domestication. However, sometime around 4000 BC steppe dwellers learned to keep herds of horses in addition to raising cattle, sheep, and goats, which were the principal domestic animals in more southerly lands.

      Maximizing the size of domesticated herds made it necessary to pursue a migratory way of life because animals kept together for protection and control consumed the grass faster than it could grow, especially in the semiarid regions of the steppe. This made it hard to combine grain-growing with herding, as had been customary among Neolithic food producers. Eventually a clear break occurred between those peoples who raised crops and animals and those who depended solely on the products of their flocks and herds and moved from pasture to pasture throughout the year.

      In all probability nomadism developed into a fully independent way of life only after human beings had learned to live largely on animal milk and milk products, thus tapping a new food source and, in effect, discovering a new ecological niche by displacing male lambs, calves, and colts from their mothers' teats. Lactating animals had to be tamed to allow human beings to milk them by hand, and human populations also had to adjust physiologically by continuing as adults to secrete the enzymes children need to digest their mother's milk. Such adaptations surely took considerable time, but how they proceeded remains unknown.

The great dispersal
      Nevertheless, by about 2000 BC these fundamental adjustments had probably been made, since a notable movement of peoples off the steppe and into the forested regions of Europe was under way. Herdsmen and warriors, speakers of Indo-European tongues (Indo-European languages), carried a distinctive battle-axe and, with the milk of their cattle and other animals, enjoyed a food supply that was clearly superior to those of other peoples. These advantages allowed the newcomers to overrun older farming and fishing populations of the European peninsula, so that their languages and cultures became dominant among later generations of Europeans.

      Other, related peoples remained on the steppe, occupying the grasslands as far east as the Altai Mountains. Some Indo-European tribes also penetrated the Eastern Steppe, where, however, they presumably shared the landscape with peoples of other tongues. Such remarkable migrations suggest that by about 2000 BC the speakers of Indo-European languages had attained a formidably efficient nomadic way of life.

      It is very likely that behaviour patterns observed only later date back to this great dispersal. At any rate, the critical feature of later steppe nomadism was that only small groups could conveniently manage flocks and herds. In emergencies, manpower might have to be concentrated to protect people and animals against raiders from afar; but in ordinary times to have more than 50 to 100 persons camped at the same location made daily travel between pastures unbearably lengthy for lactating animals. Accordingly, during most of the year, steppe pastoralists dispersed into small kinship groups. Hundreds of animals were tended by dozens of persons. Every few days or weeks the group had to move to a new location where the herbage had not yet been eaten down. Only portable goods, therefore, were of much value to nomads, though of course their animals allowed them to transport heavier loads than human strength alone could support. Still, tents and leather containers, compared to the mud huts and pottery of settled folk, leave little trace for archaeologists. The possibility of learning much about how and when nomad patterns of life arose and spread across the steppe remains correspondingly slim.

      Dependence on animals meant that relatively few human beings could make a living from the vast expanse of the Eurasian Steppe. Just how numerous ancient pastoralists may have been is impossible to say. The sudden appearance of large numbers of raiding horsemen often gave agricultural peoples the impression that vast hordes roamed the steppelands, waiting to pounce on undefended villages and towns. Because of the mobility of horsemen, raiding parties could gather from great distances, and thus the size of these groups (even if that were known) did not provide a reliable index of population density because their origins were unknown. The fact that a very large number of kurgans (Kurgan culture)—i.e., mounds of earth raised atop chieftains' gravesexist in the Western Steppe attests to the availability of relatively abundant manpower in ancient times, but, again, such monuments were raised by a chieftain's followers, who were gathered for the purpose from afar and temporarily.

      In general, there can be no doubt that nomadic populations always remained far sparser than agricultural populations. Nomad conquerors, however numerous they seemed at the moment of attack, were always far fewer than the settled populations they overran and, partly for that reason, were nearly always absorbed into the conquered society within a few generations.

      In historic times yearly migrations followed a more or less fixed patternup and down mountain slopes with the season or north and south across open country for as much as 400500 miles. When migratory herdsmen lived near cultivators, they often were able to pasture their animals on the stubble left behind after grain had been harvested. Exchanging grain for cheese and other animal products could also be mutually advantageous, even when rents or tribute payments skewed the simple economic symmetry of the relationship.

The rise of confederations
      Dispersal across the steppe to maximize milk and meat production could be, and in historic times was, punctuated by occasional assemblages of large numbers of nomads for an annual roundup and slaughter of wild animals, for warlike undertakings against other communities, and for various ceremonial purposes as well. Real or fictitious kinship bonds united adjacent families of herdsmen into tribes (tribe); and tribal confederations, built upon ceremonial recognition of the primacy of a high king, were constructed and confirmed at such periodic assemblages.

      Prowess in protecting the herds from animal predators had been necessary from the beginning of domestication, but, as pastoralism became an established way of life, prowess was redirected toward rival herdsmen. Quarrels over rights to grass and water were perennial, since boundaries between adjacent herding groups were necessarily imprecise and unpoliced. Infringement invited retaliation in the form of raids, and raids provoked counterraids. Warfare skills were thus inculcated by the nomads' way of life, and their mobility made it possible to concentrate large numbers of experienced warriors wherever a tribal chieftain or high king might decree.

      On the other hand, tribes and tribal confederations were always liable to break apart if the constituent groups felt aggrieved or merely distrusted the leader's luck or military skill. Grounds for quarrels over precedence and dignity as well as over grass and water were always present within every steppe polity, and diplomats from civilized states were often able to exploit such weaknesses by pursuing a policy ofdivide and rule.”

      Nomadic customs and institutions thus superimposed fragile political structures on the migratory herding of small kinship groups. The formation of a far-flung war federation around the charismatic figure of a successful captain could occur very quickly. Division came even faster, since the passing of a high kingship from father to son was always precarious. Great men consolidated their power by marrying as many wives as the diversity of their following required, so whenever a great chieftain died, competition to the death among sons of different wives was likely. In effect, tribal confederations had to be reestablished every few generations.

      Perhaps not all these features of nomad life were evident when civilized peoples first experienced the military might that steppe peoples could exert. For example, occupation of the Eastern Steppe by skilled horse nomads had not yet occurred when Indo-European conquerors first arrived in the Middle East, about 1700 BC. Thereafter, scattered texts allow us to infer something about what happened on the Eurasian Steppe, although steppe peoples themselves did not begin to keep records in writing until about 2,300 years later.

Military and political developments among the steppe peoples to 100 BC
      The military advantages of nomadism became apparent even before the speed and strength of horses had been fully harnessed for military purposes. The early conquests of Sargon of Akkad (c. 2250 BC) and the Amorite invasions of Mesopotamia before 1800 BC attest to the superior force that nomadic or seminomadic peoples held, but the full effect of their military strength came with the use of horse-drawn chariots, some time around 2000 BC. Military primacy shifted to the northern steppes, where horses were easy to raise, and away from the southern grasslands.

Horsepowered warfare (war)
      Evidence from Ukraine suggests that horses (horse) were first mounted about 4000 BC, but their role in warfare remains unclear. By the 2nd millennium horses were used in war to pull light, two-wheeled chariots (chariot) that carried a two-man crew. A driver held the reins and controlled the team of horses while his companion shot arrows from the chariot's platform. No foot soldiers could stand against this form of attack when it was new. Warriors who had access to horses and chariots therefore enjoyed an easy superiority in battle for nearly five centuries.

      The principal beneficiaries were Indo-European tribesmen, speaking languages akin to Sanskrit, who already possessed horses. About 2000 BC people on the Western Steppe or in Mesopotamia, Syria, and Turkey learned to make spoked wheels that were strong enough to withstand the impact of a human cargo bouncing across natural land surfaces at a gallop. Soon after, chariot conquerors overran the entire Middle East. Others invaded India about 1500 BC and extinguished the Indus civilization. Chariots also spread throughout Europe. Even in distant China, by the 14th century BC, rulers of the Shang dynasty (traditional date c. 17661122 BC) were using chariots and bows very similar to those of the Aryans farther west.

      Other peoples, of course, soon learned to use chariots in battle. Consequently, the Indo-European incursions of the second millennium BC had only transitory importance in the Middle East. In India, however, the Aryans spread their language and culture throughout most of the Indian subcontinent in subsequent centuries, just as other Indo-European tribesmen had done in Europe some 500 years before.

      Experts disagree whether steppe dwellers had the specialized artisan skills needed to build light, sturdy chariots. At any rate it is not likely that large numbers of northern nomads ever owned such expensive devices. Chariot warfare, therefore, never affected steppe life profoundly, though it did revolutionize civilized states, inaugurating a militarized, aristocratic Bronze Age that lasted in the Middle East until about 1200 BC.

      Then the rise of iron metallurgy (ironwork) cheapened arms and armour sufficiently to allow common foot soldiers to overthrow the chariot aristocracies of the Middle East. But this, too, had no immediate impact upon steppe peoples. Iron arrowheads were not notably better than arrowheads made of flint or obsidian; and the new metal, even if cheaper than bronze, remained too expensive for ordinary herdsmen. Soon after 900 BC, however, another revolution came to ancient patterns of warfare that did affect the steppe profoundly. Men learned how to fight effectively on horseback, thus dispensing with cumbersome, costly chariots and unleashing the full agility and speed of a galloping horse for military purposes.

      Assyrians (Assyria) may have pioneered the cavalry revolution. A few wall carvings from the 9th century BC show paired cavalrymen, one of whom holds the reins for both horses while the other bends a bow. This was just the technique charioteers had long been practicing. Riders soon discovered that once their mounts were accustomed to carrying men, it was safe to drop the reins and rely on voice and heel to direct the horse's movements, freeing both hands for shooting with a bow.

      This extraordinary synergy of man and horse became routine between 900 and 700 BC. As the new art of horsemanship spread, nomads of the northern steppe found themselves in a position to take full advantage of the mobility and striking power a cavalry force could exert. Mounted raiding parties from the steppes became difficult indeed for sedentary peoples to combat, since horsemen could move far faster than foot soldiers and were therefore able to concentrate greater numbers at will and then flee before a superior countervailing force manifested itself. Cavalry was necessary to repel such raids, but raising horses in landscapes where grass did not grow abundantly was very expensive since the grain came directly from stocks that would otherwise feed human beings.

      On the steppes, however, nomads could easily increase their supply of horses, if necessary, at the expense of cattle. Mare's milk could be substituted for cow's milk and horseflesh for beef, and horse nomads, who spent most of their waking hours in the saddle, could exploit through enhanced mobility a wider range of pastures from any given encampment. Sheep, goats, camels, and even (in Europe and Manchuria) pigs also had a place in the steppe economy, and, in favoured locations, there was also cultivation of grain. But the cavalry revolution of the 9th and 8th centuries BC put horses first because of their superior usefulness in war.

Scythian successes
      The first sign that steppe nomads had learned to fight well from horseback was a great raid into Asia Minor launched from the Ukraine about 690 BC by a people whom the Greeks called Cimmerians (Cimmerian). Some, though perhaps not all, of the raiders were mounted. Not long thereafter, tribes speaking an Iranian language, whom the Greeks called Scythians (Scythian), conquered the Cimmerians and in turn became lords of the Ukraine. According to Herodotus, who is the principal source of information on these events, the Scyths (or at least some of them) claimed to have migrated from the Altai Mountains at the eastern extreme of the Western Steppe. This may well be so, and some modern scholars have even surmised that the barbarian invasions of China that brought the Western Chou dynasty to an end in 771 BC may have been connected with a Scythian raid from the Altai that had occurred a generation or two before Scythian migration westward to the Ukraine.

      The Eastern Steppe was, however, too barren and cold for invaders to linger. Consequently, the spread of cavalry skills and of the horse nomads' way of life to Mongolia took several centuries. We know this from Chinese records clearly showing that cavalry raids from the Mongolian steppe became chronic only in the 4th century BC. China was then divided among warring states, and border principalities had to convert to cavalry tactics in order to mount successful defenses. The first state to do so developed its cavalry force only after 325 BC.

      Long before then, however, the Scythians had erected a loose confederacy that spanned all of the Western Steppe. The high king of the tribe heading this confederacy presumably had only limited control over the far reaches of the Western Steppe. But on special occasions the Scythians could assemble large numbers of horsemen for long-distance raids, such as the one that helped to bring the Assyrian Empire to an end. After sacking the Assyrian capital of Nineveh in 612 BC, the booty-laden Scyths returned to the Ukrainian steppe, leaving Medes, Babylonians, and Egyptians to dispute the Assyrian heritage. But the threat of renewed raids from the north remained and constituted a standing problem for rulers of the Middle East thereafter.

Persian defenses
      The Persians (Iran, ancient), who took over political control of the Middle East in 550 BC, met with little success in punishing steppe incursions. Cyrus the Great, founder of the Persian Empire, was killed in 530 BC while leading a punitive expedition against the Massagetai, who lived north and east of the Caspian; and Darius the Great met with indifferent success in 512 BC when he tried to subdue the Scyths from Europe by crossing the Danube. On the other hand, diplomatic arrangements whereby border tribesmen were paid to guard against raids from deeper in the steppe worked well as long as Persian tax collectors provided a suitable assortment of goods with which to subsidize the friendly borderers. No massive incursions or large-scale infiltrations from the steppe into the Middle East took place, therefore, until after the overthrow of the Persian Empire at the hands of Alexander the Great in 330 BC.

      In the next century, however, the collapse of the Persian frontier guard in Central Asia and the consolidation of a new steppe empire based in Mongolia combined to provoke large-scale displacements of peoples westward along the steppe and southward from the steppe onto cultivated ground. For the first time, the natural gradient of the Eurasian Steppe came fully into play when a tribal confederation, called Hsiung-nu (Xiongnu) by the Chinese, attained an unmatched formidability. This happened at the very end of the 3rd century BC. Neighbours on the steppe, fleeing from the Hsiung-nu, moved south and west, generating in turn a wave of migration that eventually reached from the borders of China as far as northwestern India and the Roman limes along the Danube.

The Hsiung-nu Empire
      Just as the Scythian Empire of the Western Steppe was a mirror image of the Persian Empire to the south, the empire of the Hsiung-nu (late 3rd century BC2nd century AD) mirrored the Chinese empire that had been consolidated in 221 BC by Ch'in Shih Huang Ti and was subsequently stabilized under the Han dynasty (206 BCAD 221). To judge from Chinese accounts, which are the only ones available, the Hsiung-nu modelled themselves quite closely on Chinese principles, regarding their ruler as the Son of Heaven, just as the Chinese did. Organized warfare across the Gobi alternated with periods of peace, when formalized exchanges of tribute-gifts allowed the rulers on each side to strengthen themselves by acquiring rare and valuable goods to distribute as they saw fit. The Chinese obtained horses for the army and other Imperial uses, while the Hsiung-nu ruler acquired grain, silks, and other luxuries with which to reward his followers.

Closure of the Iranian borderland to steppe raiders and its consequences, 100 BCAD 550

Domination by the Parthians
      Initially, the displacements westward that were precipitated by the consolidation of the Hsiung-nu confederacy took the form of a series of migrations into Iran and across the Hindu Kush into India. Various Iranian tribesŚakas and Kushāns chief among themwere the protagonists of these displacements. Their vacated grazing lands came under the control of Turkish tribes, so that the frontier of Indo-European languages began to shrink back as the Turks advanced.

      This pattern of migration altered by the end of the 2nd century BC. At that time the Iranian borderland was again effectually defended by new guardians, the Parthians (Parthia). They were another Iranian people of the steppe who began to move southward during the 3rd century BC when Alexander's successors, the Seleucids, proved incapable of safeguarding their frontiers against such incursions. Once established on cultivated ground, the Parthians prevented other steppe nomads from following hard on their heels by developing a superior cavalry force and inventing a means for supporting it at relatively little cost.

      The key change was the introduction of alfalfa (lucerne) as a cultivated crop. alfalfa, if planted on fallowed fields, provided a fine fodder for horses, and nitrogen-fixing bacteria that grew on its roots enhanced the fertility of the soil for subsequent grain crops. Moreover, horses stall-fed on alfalfa (with some additional grain) could be bred bigger and stronger than the steppe ponies that had only grass to eat. Big horses in turn could support armoured men on their backs and even carry armour to protect their own bodies. Such armoured cavalrymen, scattered out across the agricultural landscape as lords and local protectors of village communities, could readily assemble a formidable force to oppose nomad raiding parties. Their armour permitted them to withstand enemy arrows while returning shot for shot; and when steppe intruders sought to withdraw, the heavy cavalrymen could pursue farther and faster than ever before, making it hard for a raiding party to find a safe camping ground for the night or a place to graze their horses. In this way cultivated land could support an effective frontier guard against the steppe for the first time since the cavalry revolution had tipped the balance so sharply in favour of steppe dwellers. Even so, big horses and armour were always expensive, and an aristocratic and decentralized (i.e., feudal) political and social system invariably developed with this kind of military establishment.

      The fame of the Parthian horses soon reached the Chinese Imperial court and led the emperor Han Wu Ti (Wudi) to send an expedition westward as far as Fergana to bring back specimens of the new breed in 101 BC. By that time, enough armoured cavalrymen stood guard over the villages of the Parthian Empire to make further nomad incursions unprofitable. As a result, migration routes along the steppe shifted north of the Caspian. The new balance of forces was registered by the collapse of the Scythian Empire in the 1st century AD. Iranian-speaking Sarmatians (Sarmatian) took over the lordship of the westernmost regions of the steppe. They presented the Roman (ancient Rome) army with a new and formidable challenge along the Danube frontier, since at least some of the Sarmatian cavalrymen were armoured in the Parthian fashion. But such warriors were comparatively few in number, and their feudal polity made them unable to organize large-scale raids. As a result, the Roman limes held for another two centuries.

Flourishing trade in the east
      Relations between the steppe and cultivated lands of Eurasia therefore entered upon a new phase that lasted from approximately 100 BC to about AD 200. Raiding being unprofitable, trading intensified; and nomads found a new or enhanced role as caravan personnel, carrying goods along the Silk Road, which connected China with Syria, after Han Wu Ti's exploratory expedition of 101 BC. Northsouth caravan routes fed into and supplemented the eastwest movement of goods, connecting northern India with Central Asia and Central Asia with the entire expanse of the Eurasian Steppe from Hungary to Manchuria.

      The consequences of these intensified communications were considerable. The taste for transparent silk clothing that spread among Roman women of high fashion was less important than the propagation of Buddhism, Judaism, Manichaeism, and Christianity across Asia by missionaries and traders who moved with the caravans. Literary records do not reveal much about the process, but the comparatively abundant information surrounding the birth of Islām in Arabia (AD 61032) casts much light on the sorts of religious exchanges that must have occurred in caravansaries and around innumerable campfires, where strangers met, telling tales and expounding divergent beliefs.

      About AD 200 this relatively peaceful period of steppe history drew to a close. A new era of upheaval manifested itself at both ends of the Eurasian grassland. In the east, the empire of the Hsiung-nu and the Han dynasty both disintegrated during the first two decades of the 3rd century AD. For three and a half centuries thereafter, political fragmentation on the Eastern Steppe matched the fragmentation of China proper. Barbarian regimes arose in northern China, lasting until the reunification of the country by the Sui dynasty in AD 589.

New barbarian incursions
      Throughout this chaotic period in the east, the Iranian borderland with the steppe remained firmly defended. The Sāsānian dynasty (AD 224651), which supplanted the Parthians after a successful rebellion by a great feudatory, like the previous regime, maintained armoured cavalrymen to guard against steppe marauders. The effect was to funnel all the flights and migrations provoked by the disorders on the Eastern Steppe north of the Caspian and into Europe. This put sporadic strain on the Roman frontier, until, in the 4th century, the limes at the Rhine and Danube collapsed, never to be fully reconstituted.

      The precipitating factor in this collapse was the arrival of a new people from the east, known in European history as the Huns (Hun). They crossed the Don about AD 370 and quickly defeated the Sarmatian and Gothic tribes (Goth) that were then occupying the westernmost steppe. (The Goths had migrated from the forested north earlier in the 4th century, just as Mongols did far to the east perhaps at nearly the same time.) The Huns incorporated the fighting manpower of their defeated enemies into their expanding confederation by making them subject allies. This new and formidable predatory power provoked the flights and raids that broke through the Roman frontiers in 376, starting a migration of peoples that lasted, on and off, for half a millennium and brought far-reaching changes to Europe's ethnic boundaries.

      What, if any, relation may have existed between the Huns of European history and the Hsiung-nu of Chinese records is an unsolved, probably insoluble, conundrum. Even the language spoken by the Huns is in dispute, though most experts believe they were of Turkish speech. For a short time a new empire of the Western Steppe took form under the Huns' most famous ruler, Attila (reigned 43453); but on his death the subject German tribes revolted, and soon thereafter the Huns as a distinct political or ethnic entity disappeared from Europe. The abrupt rise and fall of Hunnish power, nevertheless, set all the peoples of the Western Steppe in motion; and by the time the flights, migrations, and conquests were over, the Roman Empire in the West had come to an end (AD 476), and Germanic peoples had become rulers of all the Western provinces.

      China experienced equally drastic barbarian incursions in the same centuries, submitting to various Turkish, Tungusic, Tibetan, and Mongolian invaders. At the end of the 4th century AD a new confederation, the Juan-juan, arose on the Eastern Steppe; a century later a similar group, the Hephthalites, established their supremacy between the Volga River and the Altai Mountains. After the collapse of the Huns, however, no single confederation arose to dominate the rest of the Western Steppe until a people known as Avars (Avar) set up headquarters in Hungary in 550 and proceeded to raid far and wide in all directions, exercising hegemony over various Slavic and Germanic tribes until submitting to Charlemagne in 805.

      All of these confederations probably embraced more than one language group. Evidence is too scant to tell just how Turkish intermingled with Mongolian, Finno-Ugric, Tungusic, Indo-European, Tibetan, and perhaps still other languages across the length and breadth of the steppe. Linguistic differences were not really of great importance. Life-styles among Eurasian horse nomads had attained a fine adjustment to the grasslands; and with the invention of stirrups (stirrup) in about 500, symbiosis between man and mount achieved a precision that defied further improvement. Accurate shooting on the run became possible for the first time when a rider could stand in his stirrups absorbing in his legs the unsteadiness of his galloping mount. But stirrups also made cavalry lances far more formidable, since a rider, by bracing his feet in the stirrups, could put the momentum of a galloping horse and rider behind the thrust of his spearhead. Thus the enhancement of steppe archery through the use of stirrups was counteracted by a parallel improvement in the effectiveness of the heavy armoured cavalry that guarded Middle Eastern and European farmlands against the steppe nomads.

The era of Turkish predominance, 5501200

A new Turkish confederacy
      A new period of steppe history began in 552 when a powerful new Turkish (Turkic peoples) confederacy, headquartered in the Altai Mountains, suddenly developed. Its geographic range was great, extending from the frontiers of China to the Caspian Sea. The new masters of the Asian steppe were skilled in ironwork and used their own runic script, of which a few examples survive. Some of the critical skills of civilization with which steppe peoples had become more familiar through the expanding trade patterns of preceding centuries were thus exploited by a nomad confederacy for the first time. Buddhism and then Islām also penetrated among the Turks, bringing steppe peoples still more closely into touch with other aspects of civilized life.

      Nonetheless, the Turkish confederacy remained a tribal nomad polity with both the ferocious formidability and fragility associated with such systems of command. Disputed successions tore it apart more than once before its ultimate dissolution in 734; but prior to that time two principal consequences of the consolidation of Turkish power may be discerned. First, raids and rivalry with the Chinese helped to stimulate China's reunification under the Sui (581618) and early T'ang (618907) dynasties, thus renewing the mirror relationship that had previously existed between the Han and Hsiung-nu empires. Second, the rise of an aggressive Turkish power provoked recurrent flights and migrations across the steppe itself. As long as the prowess of Sāsānian barons made the Iranian borderlands impenetrable, refugees from steppe warfare continued to be funnelled north of the Caspian into Europe. Consequently, hordes of Avars, Bulgars, Khazars, Pechenegs, and Magyarsto name only the most successfulfollowed one another in rapid succession onto the Western Steppe. Each of these peoples established a powerful raiding confederation and exercised domination for varying periods of time over adjacent cultivated lands in the Balkans and central Europe. Two of the tribes were ancestral to the modern states of Bulgaria and Hungary, but the rest, like the Huns before them, dissolved into the general population soon after their military power broke down.

Shift of attention from Europe to the Middle East
      Encroachment by peoples of the steppe onto the cultivated lands of eastern Europe slackened in the 9th century and was reversed by the end of the 10th when more efficient protectors allowed European peasantries to begin moving out into grasslands along the Danube. Armoured cavalrymen on the Parthian model, known to the Byzantines as cataphracts and to the English as knights (knight), reversed the balance between steppe raiders and settled folk in eastern Europe. The gradual rise of knighthood after 732, when Charles Martel first tried the experiment in western Europe, involved a drastic feudal decentralization of political powerdecentralization that lasted longer in the east of Europe than in the west and has distracted such marcher states as Hungary and Poland down to modern times.

      Yet the rise of knighthood along the European steppe frontier was not the only factor reversing the balance between nomads and settled agriculturalists. Nomad pressure on European cultivators also slackened in the 10th century because the Iranian borderland against the steppe had once again become permeable. Exactly why this happened is unclear. Nothing in military technology seems to explain the fact that Turkish tribesmen as well as detribalized slaves began to arrive within the realm of Islām in such numbers as to be able, after about 900, to exercise decisive military force throughout the Middle East. Perhaps the attractions of city life induced Sāsānian barons to abandon their villages for the easy life of absentee landlords and to allow their military habits to decay. But no one really knows what altered the balance between steppe warriors and Iranian defenders of cultivated lands in such a way as to divert the pattern of steppe migration southward once again. The effect, nonetheless, was to spare eastern Europe from the sort of recurrent invasions it had been experiencing since the 2nd century AD.

The expansion of Islām (Islāmic world)
      Consequences for the Middle East were far-reaching. Islām itself was transformed by the rise of Ṣūfism. How much the Ṣūfis owed to the pagan past of Turkish converts to Islām is unclear, though some practices of dervish orders, which were the main carriers of the Ṣūfi movement, very likely did stem from shamanistic rites and practices of the steppes. In any case, Turkish languages were added to the Arabic and Persian that had previously been the carriers of Middle Eastern high culture; and a proud Turkish consciousness persisted among soldiers and rulers to complicate older ethnic patterns within the heartlands of Islām.

      By submitting to Turkish warriors, the realm of Islām acquired a new cutting edge. Rapid expansion at the expense of both Christendom and Hindustan resulted. Raids into India, beginning in the year 1000, led within two centuries to the establishment of Muslim control over the plains of the north. Expansion continued off and on until, by the end of the 17th century, the whole of India had been subjected to Muslim overlordship. On the other flank of Islām, a decisive breakthrough occurred in 1071 when Seljuq tribesmen defeated the Byzantines at Manzikert (modern Malazgirt), thereby confirming their occupation of the grasslands in the interior of Asia Minor. Thus, modern Turkey became Turkish for the first time. This expansion triggered the First Crusade (109599), but the crusaders' success only checked, without permanently stemming, the Turkish advance. Instead, toward the end of the 13th century the Ottomans succeeded the Seljuqs as leaders of the struggle against Christendom and continued to advance their frontiers as late as 1683, by which time all of the Balkans and Hungary were under Turkish rule.

      Muslim principles deplored strife among the faithful while admiring military success against unbelievers. This belief encouraged newcomers from the steppes to migrate toward the two expanding frontiers of Islām, where they could exercise their military skills, expect rich booty, and win new lands while enjoying the respect and admiration of fellow Muslims. As a result, the mainstream of steppe migration gravitated toward Islām's Christian and Indian frontiers. Arab tribesmen had done the same in the Middle East and North Africa during the first century (632732) of Muslim history. Thus, after about 900, the military manpower and skills of the northern nomads took over the role that had been played by Bedouins from the south during Islām's first, extraordinary period of expansion.

Developments on the steppe proper
      The tribes that remained behind on the Eurasian Steppe were of course affected by this massive Turkish influx into the Middle East. Trade connections with Islāmic lands intensified, and traders from Middle Eastern cities spread Islām far and wide among steppe peoples. To be sure, full compliance with Muslim law was scarcely compatible with pastoral routines of life; but after the 11th century most of the Western Steppe had become, at least superficially, incorporated into the realm of Islām. Along with the religion, heightened familiarity with civilized ways penetrated deep into the steppe. Miniature cities arose at river crossings and at the headquarters of powerful chieftains, where merchants gathered and urban artisan skills began to find limited scope.

      In the Eastern Steppe, Chinese civilization played the same role, although the oasis cities of the Tarim Basin continued to offer steppe peoples alternatives to a purely Chinese pattern of higher culture until long after this period. Collapse of the Turkish Empire in 734, swiftly followed by a drastic weakening of the T'ang dynasty (Tang dynasty) after a massive rebellion in 755, hastened rather than hindered the infiltration of new skills into the Eastern Steppe. The T'ang dynasty recovered control of China only by calling on barbarians for aid, which they received from a newly powerful Uighur confederacy (7451209) that had started as one of the successor states to the older Turkish Empire of the steppes. But the Uighur horsemen who rescued the T'ang dynasty from its domestic difficulties did so only in return for handsome trade-tribute payments. Once begun, the flow of tribute from China continued as long as Uighur power endured. The Uighurs, of course, consumed some of the goods they carried out of China themselves but traded the rest with neighbours and neighbours' neighbours for grain, slaves, and special goods such as jade, gold, and furs. A far-flung caravan network thus attained greater importance than ever before, binding steppe peoples to oasis cultivators in the south and forest peoples in the north and joining the parallel Muslim trade net of the Western Steppe.

      Such exchanges involved more than simple export and import of goods. Religions continued to travel the caravan routes as they had done for centuries. Buddhism rivalled Islām in the Eastern Steppe, but the Uighurs, interestingly, asserted and maintained their spiritual independence of both of the great civilizations they touched by espousing the Manichaean faith. They also used a Sogdian script, derived from Persian, that supplanted the Turkish runic script and allowed them to create a more thoroughly literate society than earlier steppe peoples had attained.

The Mongol Empire (Yuan dynasty), 12001368

Emergence of bureaucratic states
      The next important transformation of steppe life occurred when nomad peoples began to supplement their age-old tribal organization by borrowing Chinese bureaucratic principles for the management of armed forces. Such experiments first appeared among rising states in northern China after the collapse of the T'ang dynasty in 907. During the next two centuries China's political weakness allowed various barbarian peoples to overrun parts of the north once more while continuing to control ancestral steppe lands. The resulting hybrid states were known to the Chinese as the Khitan (9071124), Tangut (Xi Xia) (9901227), and Juchen (Jin dynasty) (11221234) empires. It was natural for them to combine nomad tribal and Chinese bureaucratic principles of management in military and other departments of administration. The Khitan, for example, supplemented their horsemen with foot soldiers and developed combined tactics for using infantry and cavalry together in battle. Even more significant was the way in which their successors in northern China, the Juchen, set up a command structure on bureaucratic principles. The Juchen rulers divided their army into tens, hundreds, and thousands and put appointed officers over each unit. Consequently, among the Juchen, hereditary tribal standing did not necessarily coincide with ascribed military rank. For a brave and lucky man, army service became a career open to talent.

      The Chinese had relied on appointed officers to command their soldiers for centuries. By applying the idea to steppe armies, a ruler could at least hope to transcend the fragility previously inherent in tribal confederations. No matter how solemn the binding oaths of blood brotherhood might be, because steppe horsemen had always followed their own tribal leaders to war, any quarrel among chiefs could immediately dissolve a formidable army into its original warring fragments. But in a bureaucratic system, hereditary chieftains no longer had their own tribesmen always at their beck and call. Before a chief contemplating rebellion against central authorities could count on support, he had to overcome his tribesmen's loyalty to appointed commanders. Divided and uncertain loyalties in the ranks therefore made traditional tribal rebellion chancy at best and suicidal if the rebel chieftain's tribesmen failed to follow. Sudden dissolution of steppe confederacies therefore became much less likely.

      The superior stability of steppe polities organized along bureaucratic lines was evident when overthrow resulted not from internal disruption, in the old way, but from conquest at the hands of another bureaucratically organized armed force. The Juchen, for example, supplanted the Khitan only after improving on their rivals' half-hearted efforts to appropriate Chinese patterns of military management; and the Juchen in turn were overthrown by the Mongols under Genghis Khan (11621227), whose armies were led by men appointed on the basis of demonstrated efficiency in battle, regardless of birth or hereditary rank.

The triumph of the Mongols
      Genghis Khan started his victorious career as a solitary fugitive, and his first followers were men who, like himself, lacked any powerful kindred ties because their clans had met with ill fortune in war. Among such a collection of more or less detribalized warriors, the bureaucratic principle had free rein from the start. Genghis never had to make the compromises with traditional status that would have been necessary if he had not started as a refugee, deprived of the supporting ties so vital to traditional steppe life.

      Uninhibited application of the bureaucratic principle endowed Genghis Khan's armies with a remarkable capacity to expand. Instead of simply incorporating tribal war bands into his following, as earlier steppe conquerors had done, Genghis reorganized his defeated foes into tens and hundreds and put his own men in command over each of the units. This practice assured rapid promotion to men of demonstrated ability. A career open to talent allowed an ordinary tribesman to rise to the command of as many as 10,000 men. As in modern armed forces, striving to earn promotion presumably became a way of life for ambitious individuals, whose loyalties were thereby most effectively shifted away from kinship groupings and harnessed to their hope for bureaucratic advancement. By the same token, the Mongol army became capable of indefinite expansion, until literally all of the peoples of the Eurasian Steppe had joined its ranks, from Manchuria in the east to the Ukraine in the west. This remarkable and very rapid military-bureaucratic unification of the steppe was complemented by conquest of most of the civilized lands adjacent to the steppe. Thus, all of China (by 1279), most of the Middle East (by 1260), and all the Russian principalities except Novgorod (by 1241) were brought under the Mongol sway.

      The Mongols, of course, were experienced traders by the time of their conquests. Caravans moved freely throughout their domains, and thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of persons travelled between Europe and China. Marco Polo's account of his remarkable career in the service of Kublai Khan in China shows how readily the Mongols employed strangers and welcomed merchants from distant lands. Chinese skills were then superior to those of other parts of the world. Consequently, intensified communications under the Mongols allowed the diffusion of certain Chinese skills and tastes to the rest of Eurasia. Gunpowder, the compass, and printing were especially important for Europe. In the Middle East it was Chinese luxuries such as silk, porcelain, and styles of painting that had the most obvious impact.

      Mongol religious policy puzzled both Muslim and Christian believers. The early Khans preferred to keep open multiple lines of communication with supernatural powers and therefore encouraged rival faithsChristian, Muslim, and Buddhistto coexist at their courts. Eventually a form of Buddhism coming from Tibet won primacy among the Mongols, but this upshot was not finally secured until the 18th century.

      Genghis Khan died in 1227, long before the tide of Mongol expansion had reached its height. Down to the end of the century, the Mongol armies remained on the offensive, invading Japan (1281), Annam (modern Vietnam), and Burma (128587), and distant Java (129293). Throughout this expansion, they showed remarkable readiness to exploit new technological possibilities. Even in Genghis Khan's lifetime, the conquest of northern China had required them to master siege techniques; and the conquest of southern China required them to learn to fight from ships as well. They excelled at scouting and logistics and never met a military equal in their extraordinary era of conquest except, perhaps, the Japanese, who turned them back with the help of a typhoon in 1281.

Fragmentation of the empire
      The Mongol assault on Europe and the Middle East stopped short of completion due not to military failure but to dissension over the successiona weakness of steppe empires that Genghis Khan's bureaucratic organization of the armies failed to remedy. A fourfold division among his immediate heirs went along with ceremonial recognition of the primacy of one, who became the great khan, based first at Karakorum in Mongolia and then, after 1267, at Ta-tu (modern Peking) in China.

      As time passed, however, cooperation among the separate segments of the Mongol Empire became more and more precarious. With the end of rapid expansion, promotion within army ranks slowed, and the high morale and tight discipline that had been attained in the days of initial success slackened. More important still was the way in which the separate parts of the empire adopted the diverse cultural coloration of their subject peoples. Thus, the Golden Horde in Russia became Muslim and Turkish; the Il-Khans in the Middle East became Persian and Islāmic; and the great khan of China became Sinicized. The steppe way of life survived best in the central region of the empire where the Chagatai khans reigned until 1324. Yet this was the poorest of the four khanates into which Genghis Khan's empire had been partitioned and could not possibly dominate the rest.

      Nevertheless, until the end of the 13th century, political unity, at least of a ceremonial kind, was maintained despite sporadic outbreaks of fighting among rival candidates for the supreme power. But after the death of Genghis' grandson Kublai (reigned 126094), the separate parts of the empire went their separate ways and soon began to break up internally as subject peoples asserted their independence once again.

Decline of steppe power
      The most important subject people to rise against the Mongol yoke were the Chinese. Rebellions broke out in the south and became so threatening that the remnant of the Mongol army withdrew to the steppe in 1368, intending to reconquer China with help from the distant Golden Horde of Russia. That never happened, but the Mongols did remain a formidable foe for the new Ming dynasty (13681644) and in 1449 actually captured a Chinese emperor who had inadvisedly ventured deep into the steppe.

      In the Western Steppe, tribal patterns reasserted themselves within the framework of Mongol administration, so hereditary status once again made political confederations precarious. Sometimes a charismatic leader like Timur (died 1405) was able to gather a new confederacy under his banner and terrify the world again; but all such structures were short-lived. More significant were tribal confederations that espoused a special religious faith, such as the followers of Esmāʿīl I (Ismāʿīl I), who in 1501 founded a regime that consolidated its power over Iran and part of Iraq in the name of a sectarian version of Shīʿah Islām. The incandescence of Esmāʿīl's faith allowed him to bind nomad tribesmen and believing city folk together into a new and enduring amalgam from which the special character of contemporary Iran descends.

      Yet these and other manifestations of the political-military power that steppe peoples could exert were no more than receding surges of a diminishing tide. In retrospect it is clear that the Mongol Empire constituted the apex of steppe history. The fundamental register of this fact was the slackening of human migration from the steppea pattern that had played such a dominating role in Eurasian history since 2000 BC. Recurrent exposure to plague, as a result of the spread of bubonic (Black Death) infection among burrowing rodents of the steppe, may have diminished steppe populations drastically. This is not attested in any known records; all that is sure is that bubonic plague invaded Europe and the Middle East (Middle East, ancient) in 1347 via the steppe. Moreover, as late as the 18th century outbreaks of plague in Mediterranean ports continued to occur in connection with the arrival of caravans from the interior. Further indirect evidence of demographic disaster on the steppe in the 14th and 15th centuries is the almost total lack of habitation found on the rich pastures of the Ukraine when settlers from the Russian forestlands began to move southward in the early 16th century. A remnant of the tribesmen who had once pastured their animals in the Ukraine had withdrawn into the Crimean Peninsula, where they retained their political identity as subject-allies of the Ottoman Empire until 1783. Other nomads tended their flocks and herds along the Volga, leaving Eurasia's best pasturelands unoccupied. Some catastrophe seems necessary to explain such behaviour; and the fact that rodents in the Ukraine and Manchuria were discovered to be chronic carriers of bubonic infection in the 20th century suggests what may have happened to steppe populations in the 14th and subsequent centuries.

      Whether or not the forays of Mongol horsemen into plague regions of Burma and Yunnan resulted in the transfer of bubonic infection to their native steppe lands at the end of the 13th century, a second by-product of their restless pursuit of military efficiency certainly did contribute in the long run to the overthrow of steppe power. Mongol armies learned about gunpowder from the Chinese and carried it with them for use in sieges wherever they went. Hence after the 14th century both European (Europe, history of) and Chinese artificers were able to begin elaboration of more and more efficient guns. By about 1650 handguns had become powerful enough to make nomad bows obsolete. Nomads found it hard to acquire guns and harder still to maintain a stock of powder and shot for the guns. Hence their accustomed advantage vis-à-vis infantrymen was undermined when gunfire became decisive on the battlefield, as it did throughout Eurasia by the beginning of the 18th century.

      Before nomad military resources suffered this final blow, China experienced another and final conquest from the steppe, when Manchu armies overthrew the Ming dynasty in 1644. The new rulers of China quickly proceeded to extend their power into the Mongolian steppe, where they encountered agents of the Russian tsar. The Russians had begun to overrun the steppe and forest peoples of northern Eurasia after 1480, when the Grand Duke of Moscow formally renounced the suzerainty of the Golden Horde. By 1556 Russian soldiers controlled the length of the Volga. Others crossed the Urals and as early as 1639 had penetrated all the way to the Pacific. Russian and Chinese diplomats therefore had to begin demarcating a border between their respective spheres of influence on the Eastern Steppe as early as 1689; but a definitive border was not achieved until late in the 19th century when Russian soldiers pushed southward in Central Asia to the borders of Afghanistan, while recognizing Chinese authority over the adjacent Sinkiang Province.

      Russian and Chinese victories over the steppe nomads (nomadism) and the rulers of Central Asian (Central Asia, history of) oases depended on the superiority of firearms wielded by bureaucratically organized armies. The Russian advance also depended on a demographic upsurge that provided a stream of settlers to move out into the steppe lands of the Ukraine and Siberia, beginning about 1550. This agricultural tide continued to advance as recently as the 1950s, when millions of acres in Kazakhstan were put to the plow for the first time, in the hope of increasing Soviet grain harvests.

      The Eastern Steppe offered less opportunity for cultivation, except in Manchuria. There, however, the Ch'ing dynasty forbade Chinese settlement until 1912, when the collapse of their rule opened Manchuria to a wave of Chinese settlers. Pioneers from China's crowded hinterland soon brought all of Manchuria's readily cultivable land under crops. As a result, by the 1950s agriculture had reached, or perhaps exceeded, its climatic limits throughout the Eurasian steppe lands, spelling the final eclipse of steppe peoples as a serious factor in world affairs. Some nomadic tribes continue to wrest a hard living from marginal grasslands in Outer Mongolia and other parts of Asia; but the handful who still follow a pastoral mode of existence are no more than a tattered remnant of the steppe peoples who for millennia had played a leading role in Eurasia's political and military history.

Additional Reading
Two classic works are still worth consulting: René Grousset, The Empire of the Steppes: A History of Central Asia (1970, reissued 1988; originally published in French, 1939); and Owen Lattimore, Inner Asian Frontiers of China (1940, reprinted with a new introduction, 1988). Recent studies include A.M. Khazanov, Nomads and the Outside World (1984); Luc Kwanten, Imperial Nomads: A History of Central Asia, 5001500 (1979); Thomas J. Barfield, The Perilous Frontier: Nomadic Empires and China (1989); and Denis Sinor (ed.), The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia (1990). S.A.M. Adshead, Central Asia in World History (1993), is in a class by itself for its incisive, idiosyncratic judgments.William H. McNeill

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