Steinheil, Karl August

Steinheil, Karl August

German physicist
born Oct. 12, 1801, Rappoltsweiler, Alsace Fr.
died Sept. 12, 1870, Munich

      German physicist who did pioneering work in telegraphy, optics, and photometry.

      Steinheil received the Ph.D. at Königsberg in 1825 and in 1832 began to teach physics and mathematics at Munich University. From 1849 to 1852 he organized the Austrian telegraph system, returning to Munich as technical consultant to the Ministry of Commerce.

      In 1838 he proposed that the Earth could function as a return conductor in telegraphy if the wire terminals were buried in the ground. This insight led to new designs in telegraphic receivers and sharply reduced the cost of telegraphic lines. He also constructed a photometer, improved the achromatic telescope, and contributed to daguerreotypy, fire prevention, and the establishment of standard weights.

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