Steiner, Jakob

Steiner, Jakob

Swiss mathematician
born March 18, 1796, Utzenstorf, Switzerland
died April 1, 1863, Bern

      Swiss mathematician who was one of the founders of modern synthetic and projective geometry.

      As the son of a small farmer, Steiner had no early schooling and did not learn to write until he was 14. Against the wishes of his parents, at 18 he entered the Pestalozzi School at Yverdon, Switzerland, where his extraordinary geometric intuition was discovered. Later he went to the University of Heidelberg (Heidelberg, University of) and the University of Berlin (Humboldt University of Berlin) to study, supporting himself precariously as a tutor. By 1824 he had studied the geometric transformations that led him to the theory of inversive geometry (non-Euclidean geometry), but he did not publish this work. The founding in 1826 of the first regular publication devoted to mathematics, Crelle's Journal, gave Steiner an opportunity to publish some of his other original geometric discoveries. In 1832 he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Königsberg (Königsberg, Albertus University of), and two years later he occupied the chair of geometry established for him at Berlin, a post he held until his death.

 During his lifetime some considered Steiner the greatest geometer since Apollonius of Perga (c. 262190 BC), and his works on synthetic geometry were considered authoritative. He had an extreme dislike for the use of algebra and analysis, and he often expressed the opinion that calculation hampered thinking, whereas pure geometry stimulated creative thought. By the end of the century, however, it was generally recognized that Karl von Staudt (Staudt, Karl Georg Christian von) (17981867), who worked in relative isolation at the University of Erlangen, had made far deeper contributions to a systematic theory of pure geometry. Nevertheless, Steiner contributed many basic concepts and results in projective geometry. For example, he discovered a transformation of the real projective plane (the set of lines through the origin in ordinary three-dimensional space) that maps each line of the projective plane to one point on the Steiner surface (also known as the Roman surface; see the figure—>). His other work was primarily on the properties of algebraic curves and surfaces and on the solution of isoperimetric problems. His collected writings were published posthumously as Gesammelte Werke, 2 vol. (188182; “Collected Works”).

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