Stace, W T

Stace, W T

British philosopher
born Nov. 17, 1886, London, Eng.
died Aug. 2, 1967, Laguna Beach, Calif., U.S.

      English-born philosopher who sought to reconcile naturalism with religious experience. His utilitarian theories, though empiricist in nature, acknowledged the necessity of incorporating mystical and spiritual interpretations.

      Educated at Bath College and Fettes College, Edinburgh, and at Trinity College, Dublin, Stace held positions of magistrate and judge in the British civil service in Ceylon (191032), where he studied Hinduism and Buddhism before teaching philosophy at Princeton University (193255) in the United States. Influenced by the German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel, he published many works exploring commonalities of human thought as related to religious empiricism. His key books include The Philosophy of Hegel (1924), The Theory of Knowledge and Existence (1932), The Concept of Morals (1937), Time and Eternity (1952), and Mysticism and Philosophy (1960).

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