- Spencer, Sir Baldwin
▪ British anthropologistborn June 23, 1860, Stretford, Lancashire, Eng.died July 14, 1929, Tierra del Fuego, ChileEnglish biologist and anthropologist, the first trained and experienced scientist to enter the field of Australian anthropology.After briefly studying art, Spencer went to Owens College and in 1881 to Exeter College, Oxford, receiving his B.A. with first-class honours in natural science in 1884. He became a professor of biology at the University of Melbourne in 1887.Spencer's interest in anthropology blossomed in 1894, when he joined the Horn Scientific Expedition to explore central Australia and met Francis James Gillen (Gillen, Francis James), who had been independently pursuing studies of the Aborigines. In 1896 Spencer and Gillen began the study that resulted in the publication of The Native Tribes of Central Australia (1899). Getting to know the Aborigines intimately and winning their trust, the two men accumulated an immense amount of information about Aboriginal customs, rituals, and beliefs. In 1904 they published The Northern Tribes of Central Australia, which drew on their travels around the Gulf of Carpentaria and conveyed a living picture of seminomadic, food-gathering and hunting people engaged in everyday economic and social activities and rituals. Spencer believed that Aboriginal social organization illustrated an early stage in the development of humankind.In 1900 Spencer became a fellow of the Royal Society and was knighted in 1916. He also wrote The Arunta: A Study of a Stone Age People (1927), in which he renewed and confirmed his earlier views, and Wanderings in Wild Australia (1928), a popular account of his experiences. He died while on an expedition to Tierra del Fuego to study the last peoples of Ushuaia.
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Universalium. 2010.