Sorbon, Robert de

Sorbon, Robert de

French theologian
born October 9, 1201, Sorbon, near Rethel, France
died August 15, 1274, Paris

      French theologian, confessor to King Louis IX, and founder of the Sorbonne, a collegiate building that became identified with the University of Paris (Paris IXIII, Universities of).

      Born into a poor rural family, Sorbon was educated in Reims and in Paris, where his piety and diligence drew the patronage of the comte d'Artois and King Louis IX. In 1251 he became canon of Cambrai. His importance and influence with the king grew until 1258, when he was appointed canon of Paris and chaplain to the court.

      Sorbon began to teach in about 1253, and in 1257 he obtained property upon which, with the aid of the king, he founded the Maison de Sorbonne, a theological college for poor students. The Sorbonne received official sanction from the pope in 1259 and rapidly grew into a major European centre of learning and the core of the University of Paris. Sorbon himself was chancellor of the university from 1258 and continued to advocate widespread access to higher education and to write numerous religious tracts and commentaries.

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