

      megye (county), southwestern Hungary. It is bordered by Lake Balaton (Balaton, Lake) and Veszprém county to the north, by the counties of Fejér to the northeast and Tolna and Baranya to the east, by Croatia to the south, and by Zala county to the west. It is Hungary's most sparsely populated county. Kaposvár is the county seat.

      In addition to Kaposvár, the major cities and towns include Siófok, Marcali, Barcs, and Nagyatád. Somogy is home to a number of minority communities. The largest of these is the ethnic German community, whose main settlements include Ecseny, Miklósi, Nágocs, Kercseliget, and Szulok. Lakócsa, on the Dráva River, is the major Croatian settlement. Somogy also has a significant Roma (Gypsy) community.

      The southern shore of Lake Balaton (Balaton, Lake) lies entirely in Somogy, and the lake itself makes up much of the county's northern border. The lake is drained at its eastern end by the Sió River. The county's southern boundary is formed by the Drava River. Somogy is known for its extensive forests and swamplands. The northern part of the county, known as Külso-Somogy (“Outer Somogy”), lies in the Transdanubian hills and stretches from Lake Balaton to the Kapos River valley. The southern part of the county is largely a forested flatland known as Belso Somogy (“Inner Somogy”).

      The economy is greatly influenced by agriculture. The main crops are wheat, corn (maize), sugar beets, and potatoes; cattle and pigs are also important, as are forestry and fish and game breeding. The most significant natural resource is the oil discovered in Babócsa and Iharosberény. The manufacturing industry is focused around Kaposvár and a few smaller cities. Somogy's traffic network is incomplete. Two main railway lines and two national main roads go through the county, but the county seat is accessible only via secondary routes.

      While village tourism is developing in the backlands, the Balaton area remains the focus of the county's tourist industry. Modern hotels and sandy beaches line Lake Balaton's southern shore in lakeside towns from Balatonszentgyörgy to Siófok. There are health resorts and spas in Igal, Csiszapuszta, Nagybajom, Nagyatád, Babócsa and Csokonyavisonta. Lake fishing and fishponds are widespread in the county. A portion of Dráva-Duna National Park lies within the county.

      The town of Somogyvár was one of the most important religious and secular centres of Hungary in the Middle Ages. It also has a tradition of fierce independence. Indeed, Koppány, the prince of Somogy, led a rebellion against the unification efforts of Stephen I in the 10th century. Area 2,331 square miles (6,036 square km). Pop. (2004 est) 334,000.

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Universalium. 2010.

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