

      city, North RhineWestphalia Land (state), northwestern Germany. It lies on the fertile Soester Plain (Soester Börde) in the Hellweg region, which extends south from the Lippe River, east of Dortmund. Although excavations have shown there to have been a settlement on the site since Roman times, it was first mentioned in 836 (as Sosat). Its 12th-century charter and municipal code (Soester Recht, Soester Schrae) served as models for many old German communities. It was associated with the archbishopric of Cologne until 1449, and it became an important Hanseatic League town.

      Soest is the agricultural and cattle market for the Soester Plain region. Manufacturing, especially aluminum production and metalworking, is particularly important to the local economy. Tourism and the production of machinery, transport equipment, electronics, precision instruments, and food products also contribute economically. Although the city was heavily damaged in World War II, many timbered houses, old buildings, and much of the old town walls survived, including the Osthofentor (gatehouse; 1526). The cathedral of St. Patroclus (founded c. 955; extended 1166) adjoins the Baroque town hall (1713), which contains important Lutheran archives and an early Protestant theological library. The Gothic Wiesenkirche (“St. Mary of the Fields”; 1331c. 1430) features a famous stained-glass window, the Westphalian Last Supper (1525). Several other notable medieval churches have been restored. The Burghofmuseum's collections include exhibits on local and folk history and art. Pop. (2003 est.) 48,223.

The Netherlands
      gemeente (municipality), central Netherlands (Netherlands, The), in the wooded Gooi district. It includes the villages of Soestdijk, site of a royal residence; Soesterberg, with an air base and the Dutch Air Force Museum; and Soestduinen. Soest town, founded in 1029, has a Gothic church dating from c. 1400 and restored in 1959. Formerly an agricultural centre, the town is now largely residential and has expanding light industries. Pop. (2007 est.) 45,360.

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Universalium. 2010.

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