Söderblom, Nathan

Söderblom, Nathan

Swedish archbishop
born Jan. 15, 1866, Trönö, Sweden
died July 12, 1931, Uppsala
 Swedish Lutheran archbishop and theologian who in 1930 received the Nobel Prize for Peace for his efforts to further international understanding through church unity.

      Ordained a minister in 1893, Söderblom served seven years as a chaplain to the Swedish legation in Paris before becoming professor of theology at his alma mater, the University of Uppsala (1901). He was appointed archbishop of Uppsala and primate of Sweden in 1914. Söderblom was an outspoken pacifist whose interest in Christian unity bore fruit when the first Universal Conference on Life and Work met in Stockholm in 1925. The series of these conferences eventually united with the conferences on Faith and Order to form the World Council of Churches. Söderblom was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1930 for his efforts on behalf of Christian unity. His most important book is Gudstrons uppkomst (1914), a study emphasizing holiness rather than the idea of God as the basic notion in religious thought.

Additional Reading
Charles J. Curtis, Nathan Söderblom: Theologian of Revelation (1966), and derblom, Ecumenical Pioneer (1967); Eric J. Sharpe, Nathan Söderblom and the Study of Religion (1990).

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Universalium. 2010.

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