Snodgrass, W.D.

Snodgrass, W.D.

American poet
in full  William DeWitt Snodgrass , pseudonym  S.S. Gardons 
born Jan. 5, 1926, Wilkinsburg, Pa., U.S.
died Jan. 13, 2009, Erieville, N.Y.

      American poet whose early work is distinguished by a careful attention to form and by a relentless yet delicate examination of personal experiences.

      Snodgrass was educated at Geneva College, Beaver Falls, Pa., and the University of Iowa. He taught at Cornell University (195557), the University of Rochester (195758), Wayne State University (195868), Syracuse University (196876), and the University of Delaware (197994).

      Snodgrass's first collection, Heart's Needle (1959), which won the Pulitzer Prize, is marked by careful formal control and a sensitive and solemn delineation of his experience of losing his daughter through divorce. The collection After Experience (1968) continues these formal and thematic concerns. His later work, including Remains (1970), If Birds Build with Your Hair (1979), and D.D. Byrde Calling Jennie Wrenn (1984), employed free verse. In W.D.'s Midnight Carnival (1988) and The Death of Cock Robin (1989), each poem is paired with a painting by DeLoss McGraw. Other writing by Snodgrass includes several volumes of translations of European ballads and In Radical Pursuit (1975), a volume of criticism. The Führer Bunker: A Cycle of Poems in Progress (1977) is a collection of poems written as dramatic monologues by various Nazis who shared Adolf Hitler's last days. The complete cycle, with later additions, was published in 1995.

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