Smalley, Richard E.

Smalley, Richard E.

American chemist and physicist
in full  Richard Errett Smalley  
born June 6, 1943, Akron, Ohio, U.S.
died October 28, 2005, Houston, Texas

      American chemist and physicist, who shared the 1996 Nobel Prize for Chemistry with Robert F. Curl, Jr. (Curl, Robert F., Jr.), and Sir Harold W. Kroto (Kroto, Sir Harold W.) for their joint discovery of carbon60 (C60, or buckminsterfullerene, or buckyball) and the fullerenes.

      Smalley received a Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1973. After postdoctoral work at the University of Chicago, he began his teaching career at Rice University (Houston, Texas) in 1976. He was named Gene and Norman Hackerman professor of chemistry there in 1982 and became a professor of physics in 1990.

      It was at Rice University that Smalley and his colleagues discovered fullerenes (fullerene), the third known form of pure carbon (diamond and graphite are the other two known forms). The atoms of fullerenes are arranged in a closed shell. Carbon60, the smallest stable fullerene molecule, consists of 60 carbon atoms that fit together to form a cage, with the bonds resembling the pattern of seams on a soccer ball. The molecule was given the name buckminsterfullerene because its shape is similar to the geodesic domes designed by the American architect and theorist R. Buckminster Fuller (Fuller, R Buckminster). A leading supporter of nanotechnology, Smalley played a key role in the establishment in 2000 of the National Nanotechnology Initiative, a federal research and development program.

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  • Smalley , Richard Errett — (1943–) American chemist Born in Akron, Ohio, Smalley was educated at Michigan University and at Princeton where he obtained his PhD in 1973. After spending the period from 1973 to 1976 at the James Franck Institute, Chicago, Smalley moved to… …   Scientists

  • Smalley, Richard Erret — ▪ 2006       American chemist and physicist (b. June 6, 1943, Akron, Ohio d. Oct. 28, 2005, Houston, Texas), was a leading proponent of the development and application of nanotechnology, the manipulation of materials at the extremely small scale… …   Universalium

  • Richard Errett Smalley — (* 6. Juni 1943 in Akron, Ohio; † 28. Oktober 2005) war ein amerikanischer Chemiker. Leben Smalley war Professor an der Rice University in Houston, Texas. 1996 wurde Smalley, einer der Pioniere auf dem Feld der Nanotechnologie, zusammen mit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Richard Smalley — Richard Errett Smalley (* 6. Juni 1943 in Akron, Ohio; † 28. Oktober 2005) war ein amerikanischer Chemiker. Leben Smalley war Professor an der Rice University in Houston, Texas. 1996 wurde Smalley, einer der Pioniere auf dem Feld der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Richard E. Smalley — Richard Smalley. Richard Errett Smalley (* 6. Juni 1943 in Akron, Ohio; † 28. Oktober 2005 in Houston, Texas) war ein US amerikanischer Chemiker. Leben Smalley studierte Chemie an d …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Richard E. Smalley — Richard Smalley Richard Errett Smalley est un chimiste, né le 6 juin 1943 à Akron, Ohio aux États Unis et décédé le 28 octobre 2005 à Houston, Texas (USA). Il reçut le prix Nobel de chimie en 1996, avec Harold Kroto et Robert Curl, pour sa… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Smalley — can mean:People* Anthony A. Smalley * Beryl Smalley * Dave Smalley * Dave Smalley (Cleveland) * David Allen Smalley * Denis Smalley * Gary Smalley * Kyle E. Smalley * Phillips Smalley * Richard Smalley, Nobel prize in chemistry 1996 * Roger… …   Wikipedia

  • Smalley — Richard Errett …   Scientists

  • Richard E. Smalley — noun American chemist who with Robert Curl and Harold Kroto discovered fullerenes and opened a new branch of chemistry (born in 1943) • Syn: ↑Smalley, ↑Richard Smalley, ↑Richard Errett Smalley • Instance Hypernyms: ↑chemist …   Useful english dictionary

  • Richard Errett Smalley — noun American chemist who with Robert Curl and Harold Kroto discovered fullerenes and opened a new branch of chemistry (born in 1943) • Syn: ↑Smalley, ↑Richard Smalley, ↑Richard E. Smalley • Instance Hypernyms: ↑chemist …   Useful english dictionary

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