

king of Wessex
died 757?

      king of the West Saxons, or Wessex (from 756), who succeeded his kinsman Cuthred and was himself overthrown by Cynewulf. Known for his corruption and cruelty, he soon faced a rebellion of his nobles and was formally deposed by the witan, which chose Cynewulf in his stead. After murdering one of the leading ealdormen, Cumbran, he fled and was pursued into a forest in Hampshire, where he was slain. Some 30 years later, Cynewulf was killed by Sigebert's brother Cyneheard.

king of the East Angles
died 637?

      king of the East Angles. Before his reign Sigebert lived the life of an exile in Gaul, becoming Christianized and learned. He returned to an East Anglia troubled by anarchy and heathenism and became king in 630 or 631. Temporarily resigning his kingship (yielding it to his kinsman Ecgric) in order to follow the monastic life, he was recalled to fend off the invasion of King Penda of Mercia and was slain along with Ecgric, and his army destroyed.

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