Siegwart-Müller, Constantin
- Siegwart-Müller, Constantin
▪ Swiss politician
born Oct. 10, 1801, Lodrino, Switz.
died Jan. 13, 1869, Altdorf
Swiss politician who headed the Ultramontane Party at Lucerne and became the leader of the dissident Sonderbund.
A lawyer from the canton of Uri, Siegwart-Müller settled in 1832 at Lucerne, where he soon rose to the position of state secretary (1834). In 1839 he abandoned the radical party for the clericalist Ultramontanes, but he subsequently lost his secretarial office in the liberal government. In 1841, on a wave of renascent clericalism, he was elected to the Lucerne state council, and by 1844 he had become Schultheiss (chief magistrate) and, simultaneously, president of the Diet.
Müller pressed for clericalist objectives—
the readmission of the Jesuits to Lucerne and the restoration in Aargau of eight monasteries that had been dissolved by the local government—
and led the organization of seven Roman Catholic cantons into a secret defensive league,
the Sonderbund (
December 1845),
over which he presided as head of the war council.
With the defeat of the league in the internecine Sonderbund War (
November 1847),
he fled the country,
but he was able to return in 1857.
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