Sharaf ad-Dīn ʿAlī Yazdī

Sharaf ad-Dīn ʿAlī Yazdī

Persian historian

born , Yazd, Iran
died 1454, Yazd

      Persian historian, one of the greatest of 15th-century Iran.

      Little about his early life is known. As a young man he was a teacher in his native Yazd and a close companion of the Timurid ruler Shāh Rokh (140547) and his son Mīrzā Ibrāhīm Sulṭān. In 1442/43 he became the close adviser of the governor of Iraq, Mīrzā Sulṭān Muḥammad, who lived in the city of Qom. His patron, however, attempted a revolt against the reigning Shāh Rokh, and Sharaf ad-Dīn was fortunate enough to be cleared of any complicity. He was granted permission to return to his native city, where he lived until his death. The work for which he is best known is the Ẓafernāmeh (1424/25; The Book of Victory). It is a history of the world conqueror Timur (Tamerlane; 13701405) and was probably based on the history of the same name by Nizam ad-Dīn Shami, a work written at Timur's request.

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