Tortonian Stage — ▪ paleontology division of middle Miocene (Miocene Epoch) rocks, representing all rocks deposited worldwide during the Tortonian Age (11.6 million to 7.2 million years ago) of the Neogene Period (the past 23 million years). The stage is… … Universalium
Langhian Stage — ▪ paleontology third of six divisions (in ascending order) of Miocene (Miocene Epoch) rocks, representing all rocks deposited worldwide during the Langhian Age (16 million to 13.8 million years ago) of the Neogene Period (the past 23… … Universalium
Oxfordian (stage) — System Series Stage Age (Ma) Cretaceous Lower Berriasian younger Jurassic Upper Tith … Wikipedia
Langhian — is the older ICS age of the Middle Miocene epoch. It spans the time between 15.97 ± 0.05 Ma and 13.65 ± 0.05 Ma (million years ago)GeoWhen (2007)] . Defined by M. F. Pareto in 1864, it was originally based on evidence from the Langhe area north… … Wikipedia
Miocene Epoch — Major division of the Tertiary Period, from 23. 8 to 5.3 million years ago. The extensive fossil record of terrestrial life during the Miocene provides a fairly complete picture of the development of vertebrates, especially mammals. Miocene… … Universalium
Okeechobean Sea — Table displaying the Okeechobean Sea and its relation to geologic time and North American Land Mammal Ages. Dry periods or marine regressive periods are tan in color. The Okeechobean Sea was a Cenozoic eutropical subsea, which along with the… … Wikipedia
Piacenzian — System Series Stage Age (Ma) Quaternary Pleistocene Gelasian younger Neogene Pliocene … Wikipedia
Messinian — System Series Stage Age (Ma) Quaternary Pleistocene Gelasian younger Neogene Pliocene … Wikipedia
Geology of the North Sea — Contents 1 Tectonic structure 2 Precambrian 3 Finnmarkian, Athollian, Caledonian Orogenies … Wikipedia
Geologic time scale — This clock representation shows some of the major units of geological time and definitive events of Earth history. The Hadean eon represents the time before fossil record of life on Earth; its upper boundary is now regarded as 4.0 Ga.[1] Other… … Wikipedia