Sefrioui, Ahmed

Sefrioui, Ahmed

Moroccan writer
born 1915, Fès, Mor.
died Feb. 24?, 2004, Rabat

      Moroccan novelist and short-story writer whose works record the everyday lives of the common people in Fès, Mor.

      The son of a Berber miller, Sefrioui was educated in Fès and ultimately became director of the Bureau of Tourism there. He was one of the few French-speaking Maghribian writers to give sympathetic treatment to traditional Muslim life and values.

      His first volume, Le Chapelet d'ambre (1949; “The Amber Beads”), consists of 14 short pieces dealing with the lives of those unassimilated into French colonial culture. He wrote of Qurʾānic students (he had been one in his youth), of donkey drivers, pilgrims, artisans, shopkeepers, vagabonds, and mystics. A tone of melancholy pervades this world. In his first novel, La Boîte à merveilles (1954; “The Box of Wonders”), Sefrioui recalls his youth in this older, picturesque culture, “embalminghis past rather than glorifying it. A second novel, La Maison de servitude (1973; “The House of Servitude”), deals with the conflict raised by the demands of the Islamic faith and of poetry, love, and revolution.

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Universalium. 2010.

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