

also called  Lark Plover,  
 any of four species of South American birds comprising the family Thinocoridae (order Charadriiformes). The seedsnipe, related to such shorebirds as the gulls and terns, is adapted to a diet of seeds and greens. Seedsnipes are streaked birds with short, rounded tail and long wings. They are the only charadriiform birds with covered nostrils and the only ones that eat predominantly vegetable matter. Seedsnipes flock on tundra and pampas from the Falkland Islands to southern Argentina and Ecuador. The smallest (15 centimetres or 6 inches) and most widely distributed species is the least, pygmy, or Patagonian seedsnipe (Thinocorus rumicivorus). It covers its eggs with sand when it leaves the nest. The largest (about 30 cm, or 12 in.) is Gay's seedsnipe (Attagis gayi), which nests high in the Andes.

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Universalium. 2010.

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