Sedaine, Michel-Jean

Sedaine, Michel-Jean

▪ French author
born June 2, 1719, Paris, Fr.
died May 17, 1797, Paris
 French dramatist who is best known as the author of a fine domestic comedy, Le Philosophe sans le savoir (1765; “The Philosopher Without Knowledge”).

      The son of a master builder, Sedaine began his career as a stonemason. In 1752 he published a volume of poetry, and his theatrical career began in 1756, when he wrote librettos for some light operas. He was made destitute by the French Revolution and in 1795 was deprived of his membership in the French Academy, to which he had been elected in 1786.

      Although he had a number of successes during his career, Le Philosophe sans le savoir is the only one of his plays to have endured. It was censored when it first appeared, because of its treatment of dueling, and was not played in the original version until 1875. It is less a play of ideas, however, than a textbook example of the new “bourgeois” drama called for by the philosopher Denis Diderot; mixing tragic and comic situations, it presents a charming, sentimental, and idealized picture of life in the family of a wealthy merchant. Sedaine defends middle-class values not only in his criticism of aristocratic prejudice but also in the illustration of the virtues of commerce and of a rational concept of honour. The play enjoyed some popularity during the 19th century, but it is now considered to retain chiefly only historical interest.

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