- Sears, R.W.
▪ American merchantborn Dec. 7, 1863, Stewartville, Minn., U.S.died Sept. 28, 1914, Waukesha, Wis.American merchant who developed his mail-order jewelry business into the huge retail company Sears, Roebuck.Sears's father had been wealthy but had lost his fortune in speculation. After his death, the young Sears, aged 17, went to work for the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railway to support his mother and sisters, working first in Minneapolis and then in Redwood Falls, Minn., as a station agent. When a local Redwood Falls jeweler refused a watch shipment, Sears disposed of the watches, selling them by letter to other station agents at a low price. With his $5,000 profit, Sears started a mail-order (mail-order business) watch business in Minneapolis in 1886, under the name of R.W. Sears Watch Company.Within a year he had hired Alvah C. Roebuck as a watch repairman and moved his business to Chicago. In 1887 Sears published a mail-order catalog offering watches, diamonds, and jewelry, all with a money-back guarantee. Two years later he sold his business for $100,000 and moved to Iowa, intending to be a rural banker. Restless, however, he returned to Minnesota and established a new mail-order firm selling watches and jewelry, with Roebuck as his partner. This A.C. Roebuck & Company later became Sears, Roebuck and Company and in 1893 moved to Chicago.By 1893 the company's mail-order catalog had 196 pages advertising a wide variety of goods, including sewing machines, saddles, bicycles, shoes, and musical instruments. By 1894 the catalog had expanded to 507 pages, written almost entirely by Sears. Sears also wrote all the copy for the company's extensive newspaper and magazine advertisements. He had a talent for appealing to the company's predominantly rural, Midwestern customers. He experimented with ideas constantly, first writing the copy, then trying to locate a producer after the orders had started flowing in.In 1895 Roebuck sold his interest in the firm to Julius Rosenwald (Rosenwald, Julius), who provided badly needed administrative skills that proved a successful complement to Sears's creative marketing. While Sears's catalogs brought in orders, Rosenwald reorganized the business, speeding up the customer service system. As a result of a disagreement over the advertising budget, Sears resigned as president in 1909. He thereafter lived on his farm, north of Chicago.
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Universalium. 2010.