

▪ Austrian political organization
in full  Republikanischer Schutzbund 

      (German: Republican Defense League), paramilitary socialist organization active in Austria between World War I and 1934. Compared with its chief right-wing opponent force, the Heimwehr, the Schutzbund was tightly organized, having been created in 1923 from the workers' guards by the Austrian Social Democratic Party, of which the Schutzbund remained an adjunct. It was also descended from the People's Guard of 1918, a Social Democratic weapon against the Communists; it considered as its main objective the protection of a social reform program hated by Austria's conservative bourgeois parties.

      After regular demonstrations, sometimes leading to conflict, throughout the 1920s, a clash in 1927 between Schutzbund and reactionary forces culminated in the accidental shooting of an old man and a child by the reactionaries in Schattendorf, Burgenland. Left-wing anger at the acquittal of the killers by a Vienna jury resulted in a mass demonstration, known as the July Revolt, that became violent and was bloodily suppressed. The event further weakened democratic forces in Austria, which culminated in the suspension of Parliament in 1933. In February 1934 a short civil war—with fighting in Linz, Vienna, Steyr, Kapfenberg, Bruck, and a few other industrial towns—ended with the Schutzbund and other Social Democratic organizations being crushed by government troops and the Heimwehr after only four days' fighting. More than 300 men were killed and hundreds more wounded. Following the Anschluss of 1938, the Nazis tried to win the proletariat with concessions, such as reinstating Schutzbund leaders into civilian life; but the organization's active life in Austria had ended with the execution of some of its leaders in 1934. Many of those able to escape fought in the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War (1936–39). Others sought refuge in the Soviet Union, but most of them became victims of Joseph Stalin's policies of terror.

Additional Reading
Ilona Duczynska, Workers in Arms: The Austrian Schutzbund and the Civil War of 1934 (1978).

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