Schaeffer, Claude-Frédéric-Armand
- Schaeffer, Claude-Frédéric-Armand
▪ German archaeologist
born March 6, 1898, Strassburg, Ger. [now Strasbourg, France]—death reported Oct. 5, 1982
French archaeologist whose excavation of the ancient city of Ugarit at Ras Shamra,
disclosed a succession of cultures from the 7th or 6th millennium BC to about 1195 BC.
the resulting knowledge of northern Canaanite civilization helped to clarify difficult passages in the Old Testament.
Schaeffer was curator of the Prehistoric and Gallo-
Roman Museum,
Strasbourg (
and of the Museum of National Antiquities,
Saint-Germain-en-Laye (
He conducted research at Ugarit from 1929 to 1939.
He discovered the ancient port city to have been quite cosmopolitan;
in various periods it showed evidence of cultural influence from the Egyptian,
and Mediterranean civilizations.
In addition to excavating many architectural remains and artifacts valuable in helping delineate the city'
s history,
Schaeffer found hundreds of clay tablets bearing cuneiform inscriptions.
Later identified as representing a Semitic language related to biblical Hebrew,
the inscriptions included text of literary works of considerable sophistication and originality that also helped to establish the Canaanite origin of the stories of the patriarchs in the Bible.
Schaeffer discussed the tablets in The Cuneiform Texts of Ras Shamra-Ugarit (
and Ugaritica I-VI (
Following World War II, Schaeffer continued excavations and research in Turkey, Cyprus, and Syria. In 1948 he made a valuable contribution to the science of archaeology with the publication of Stratigraphie comparée et chronologie de l'Asie occidentale (“Comparative Stratigraphy and Chronology of the Near East”).
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